4 - Implications of Social Media on Student Activism: The South African Experience in a Digital Age
Journal of Higher Education in Africa,
Vol. 15 No. 2 (2017): Journal of Higher Education in Africa
While the phenomenon of student protest in South Africa is not new, what characterizes the current wave is the successful use of social media to communicate and galvanize students to participate in protests across the country. Recent studies on the use of social media have noted that this form of communication greatly enhances the strength of student movements. However, some scholars have argued that the resulting leadership vacuum, undermines the achievement of their demands and makes it more difficult for the government and higher education authorities to effectively respond to such action. Through the lens of the learning community theory, this article reviews the current literature on social media and student activism in order to establish the effectiveness of its use and the shortcomings thereof. It argues that higher education institutions and the government need to become more conversant with the implications of digital infrastructure. It further suggests that these institutions should create an environment that supports and encourages effective use of social media through provision of the necessary infrastructure. The article provides a deeper understanding of the role that social media can play to galvanize students to advance their causes.
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Altbach, P. G., 1966, “Students and Politics.” Comparative Education Review 10 (2): 175–187.
Altbach, P. G., 1984, ‘Student politics in the Third World,’ Higher Education 13(6): 635-55.
Altbach, P. G., 1991, ‘Student Political Activism in International Higher Education’, An Encyclopedia, edited by P. G. Altbach: 247–260.
Badat, S., 1999, Black Student Politics: Higher Education and Apartheid from SASO to SANSCO, 1968-1990. Routledge.
Bannister, F., & Connolly, R., 2012, ‘Forward to the past: Lessons for the future of e government from the story so far’, Information Polity 17(3, 4):211-226.
Bielaczyc, K., & Collins, A., 1999, ‘Learning communities in classrooms: A reconceptualization of educational practice’, Instructional-design theories and models: A new paradigm of instructional theory, 2, 269-292.
Bimber, B., 2001, ‘Information and political engagement in America: The search for effects of information technology at the individual level’, Political Research Quarterly 54(1), 53-67.
Boulianne, S., 2009, ‘Does internet use affect engagement? A meta-analysis of research,’ Political Communication 26(2): 193-211.
Bereiter, C., & Scardamalia, M., 2014, ‘Knowledge building and knowledge creation: One concept, two hills to climb’, In S. C. Tan, H. J. So, J. Yeo (Eds.).
Brooks, R., Byford, K., and Sela, K., 2016, ‘Students’ unions, consumerism and the neo liberal university’, British Journal of Sociology of Education 37(8): 1-30.
Brown, A., & Campione, J., 1996, Psychological theory and the design of innovative learning environments: On procedures, principles, and systems. In L. Schauble & R. Glaser (Eds.) Innovations in learning: New environments for education (pp. 289-325), Mahwah NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Byaruhanga, F. K., 2013, Student power in Africa’s higher education: a case of Makerere University, Routledge.
Callinicos, A., 2006, Universities in a neoliberal world, Bookmarks Publications.
Castells, M., 2015, Networks of outrage and hope: Social movements in the Internet age, John Wiley & Sons.
Christensen, H. S., 2011, ‘Political activities on the Internet: Slacktivism or political participation by other means?’ <http://firstmonday.org/ojs/index.php/fm/article/ view/3336/2767> accessed 21 August 2017.
Collins, A. (1998) ‘Learning communities: A commentary on chapters by Brown, Ellery, and Campione, and by Riel’ Thinking practices in mathematics and science learning, 399-405.
Dahlgren, P., 2013, The political web: Media, participation and alternative democracy, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Dalton, R. J., 2013, Citizen politics: Public opinion and political parties in advanced industrial democracies, Carlifonia: Cq Press.
Davids, N. and Waghid, Y., 2016, ‘FeesMustFall: History of South African student protestsreflects inequality‘s grip.’ <http://mg.co.za/article/2016-10-10-feesmustfall-history-of-south-african-student-protestsreflects-inequalitys-grip> accessed 21 August 2017.
Della Porta, D., and Diani, M., 2006, Social movements: An introduction, John Wiley &Sons.
DHET, 2015, ‘The 2015 Durban Statement on Transformation in Higher Education, 17 October 2015, <http://www.dhet.gov.za/summit/Docs2015.html> accessed 21 August 2017.
Diaz Romero, L., 2013, ‘Enhancing Civic Engagement in the Digital Age: Global Activism, New Media and the Virtual Public Sphere.’ Paper presented at the I Congreso Internacionalde Comunicación y Sociedad Digital: 1-11 Freeman, R. E., and Reed, D. L., ‘Stockholders and stakeholders: A new perspective on corporate governance’, California management review 25(3): 88-106.
Gill, J., and DeFronzo, J., 2009, ‘A comparative framework for the analysis of international student movements’, Social Movement Studies, 8(3): 203-24.
Gladwell, M., 2010, ‘Small change’, The New Yorker, 4: 42-9.
Hands, J., 2011, @ is for activism: Dissent, resistance and rebellion in a digital culture, Pluto Press.
Jordan, T., and Taylor, P. A., 2004, Hacktivism and cyberwars: Rebels with a cause? Psychology Press.
Joyce, M. C., 2010, ‘Digital activism decoded: The new mechanics of change’, IDEA. Luescher, T. M., and Klemenčič, M., 2016, ‘Student Power in Twenty-First Century Africa:The Character and Role of Student Organizing’, Student Politics and Protests: International Perspectives,113-127.
Luescher, T. M., Loader, L. and Mugume, T., 2016, ‘# FeesMustFall: An Internet- Age Student Movement in South Africa and the Case of the University of the Free State’, Politikon: 1-15.
Makoni, M., 2015, ‘Student revolt against the statue of Cecil John Rhodes,’ accessed21August2017.
McMillan, D. W., and Chavis, D. M., 1986, ‘Sense of community: A definition and theory’, Journal of Community Psychology 14(1): 6-23.
Moja, T., Luescher, T. M., & Schreiber, B., 2015, ‘Equity and social justice in higher education’, Journal of Student Affairs in Africa, 3(2): v-xii
Morozov, E., 2011, The Net Delusion: The Dark Side of Internet Freedom, New York: Public Affairs.
Msila, V., 2016, (January 21) ‘#FeesMustFall is just the start of change.’ <https://mg.co. za/article/2016-01-20-fees-are-just-the-start-of-change> accessed 21 August 2017.
Murnane, R. J., and Levy, F., 1996, Teaching the New Basic Skills. Principles for Educating Children To Thrive in a Changing Economy, ERIC.
Muntean, A., 2015, ‘The impact of social media use on political participation’, Retrieved from http://pure.au.dk/portal/files/90378581/The_Impact_of_Social_Media on_Political_Participation.
Norris, P., 2001, Digital divide: Civic engagement, information poverty, and the Internet worldwide, Cambridge University Press.
Oxlund, B., 2016, ‘# EverythingMustFall: The Use of Social Media and Violent Protests in the Current Wave of Student Riots in South Africa’, Anthropology Now, 8(2), 1-13.
Phillimore, J., & McCabe, A., 2015, Luck, passion, networks and skills: the recipe for action below the radar? Third Sector Research Centre, Working Paper 129, January 2015.
Scardamalia, M., & Bereiter, C., 1996, ‘Engaging students in a knowledge society’, Educational leadership, 54(3): 6-10.
Sesant, S., Kekana, M., and Nicolaides G., 2015, (October 20) “SA Varsities Brought to a Standstill”, Eyewitness News. <http://ewn.co.za/2015/10/20/Lectures-remain-suspended-as-the-fees-must-fall-campaign-continues> accessed 21 August 2017.
Shulman, S. W., 2004, ‘The internet still might (but probably won’t) change everything’, ISJLP, 1: 111-45.
Singh, A., 2004, ‘Bridging the digital divide: the role of universities in getting South Africa closer to the global information society’, South African Journal of Information Management, 6(2): 1-9.
Starr, A., 2000, Naming the enemy: anti-corporate movements confront globalization, Zed Books. Teferra, D., and Altbach, P. G., 2004, ‘African higher education: Challenges for the 21st century’, Higher Education, 47(1): 21-50.
Tufekci, Z., 2014, ‘Social Movements and Governments in the Digital Age: Evaluating a Complex Landscape’, Journal of International Affairs, 68 (1):1-18.
van de Donk, W., Loader, B. D., Nixon, P. G. and Rucht, D., 2004, Cyberprotest: New media, citizens and social movements, Routledge.
Warkentin, C., 2001, Reshaping world politics: NGOs, the Internet, and global civil society, Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.