5 - Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and Green Economy Transition: Feasibility Assessment for African Higher Education
Corresponding Author(s) : Godwell Nhamo
Journal of Higher Education in Africa,
Vol. 11 No. 1-2 (2013): Journal of Higher Education in Africa
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are a new phenomenon globally and in Africa. MOOCS have attracted student registration in hundreds of thousands per course in certain instances, as well as gaining acceptance across different societies. MOOCs present opportunities for learning in general and specifically learning towards green economy transition in Africa. Many MOOCs are currently hosted by institutions of higher education in the USA, with the first MOOC breakthrough entitled “Artificial Intelligence” having ‘exploded’ at Stanford University in California (USA) in summer 2011. The “Artificial Intelligence” enrolled 160,000 students, 23,000 of which graduated after 10 weeks. The question then is: are MOOCs feasible in educating African masses in the field of green economy transition? Born in 2008 and popularised throughout the years following the global financial crisis, world leaders confirmed from Rio+20 that green economy transition is the way to go if humanity is to remain sustainable on planet earth. This paper presents MOOCs as an emerging area with opportunities to enhance learning for green economy transition in general and specifically for Africa. The twin phenomena under discussion require massive roll outs of: firstly, learning management systems like MOOCs, and, secondly, the dissemination of massive appropriate content, knowledge and skills related to green economy transition that current formal education systems will not manage given the demand and urgency. The answer to the question raised is therefore a qualified ‘yes’ mainly due to limited e-readiness in the continent.
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Almpanis, T., 2013, The impact of Massive open Online courses (MOOCs) in higher education, Solent: Solent University (powerpoint).
Bilbao-Osorio, B., Dutta, S. & Lanvin, B., 2013, The Global Information Technology Report 2013:Growth and Jobs in Hyperconnected World, Madrid: INSEAD.
Boven, D.T., 2013, ‘The next game changer: The historical antecedents of the MOOC movement in education’, E-learning Papers, 33, 1-7.
Burch, S. & Harris, S., 2013, ‘Syllabus: Climate Literacy: Navigating Climate Change Conversations’, Available online at: https://www.coursera.org/#course/ climateliteracy. Accessed 8 September 2013.
Coursera, 2013a, ‘Global partners’, Available at: https://www.coursera.org/#partners.
Accessed 8 September 2013.
Coursera, 2013b, ‘Courses’, Available at: https://www.coursera.org/courses.
Accessed 8 September 2013.
edX., 2013, ‘Courses’, Available online at: https://www.edx.org/course-list/allschools/allsubjects/allcourses. Accessed 8 September 2013.
Fini, A., 2009, ‘The Technological Dimension of a Massive Open Online Course: The Case of the CCK08 Course Tools’, International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 10 (5), 1-26.
Gaebel, M., 2013, ‘MOOCs: Massive Open Online Courses (EUA Occasional Paper)’,Brussels: European University Association (EUA).
Mahraj, K., 2012, ‘Using Information Expertise to Enhance Massive Open Online Courses’, Public Services Quarterly, 8(4), 359-368
Martin, F.G., 2012, ‘Will Massive Open Online Courses Change How We Teach?’ Sharing recent experiences with an online course. Communications of the ACM, 55(8), 26-28.
McAuley, A., ‘Stewart, B., Siemens, G., & Cormier, D., 2010, Massive Open Online Courses: Digital Ways of Knowing and Learning’, Available online at: http://www.elearnspace.org/Articles/MOOC_Final.pdf. Accessed 10 September 2013.
McPhie, E., 2003, ‘World Economic Forum-NEPAD E-Readiness Policy Programme: Building Capacity to Narrow the Digital Divide in Africa from within’, Bridges.org: Durbanville.
Nhamo, G., 2012, ‘ParticipatoryAction Research as Platformfor Community Engagement in Higher Education’, Journal of Higher Education in Africa, 10 (1), 1-20.
Nhamo, G., 2013, Green Economy Readiness in South Africa: A Focus on the National Sphere of Government. International Journal of African Renaissance, 8(1), 115-142.
Nhamo, G. and Swart, R., 2012, ‘A Scholarly Framework for Measuring Business Responsibility to Climate Change in South Africa’, Issues in Social and environmental Accounting, 6 (1/2), 50-71.
Open2Study, 2013, ‘Courses’, Available online at: https://www.open2study.com/courses. Accessed 8 September 2013.
OpenUpEd, 2013, ‘OpenUpEd Courses’, Available online at: http://www.openuped.eu/courses. Accessed 8 September 2013.
Pappano, L., 2012, ‘The year of the MOOC’, Available online at: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/11/04/education/edlife/massive-open-online-courses-are-multiplying-at-a-rapid-pace.html?_r=0. Accessed 10 September 2013.
Russell, D.M., Klemmer, S., Fox, A., Latulipe, C., Duneier, M., & Losh, E., 2013, ‘Will Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs) Change Education?’, in conference proceedings: CHI 2013: Changing Perspectives, Paris: Authors, 2394-2398.
The Economist, 2011, Digital Economy Rankings 2010: Beyond e-readiness.
London: The Economist Intelligent Unit.
Tomkin, J., 2013, ‘Syllabus: Introduction to Sustainability’, Available online at: https://class.coursera.org/sustain-004/wiki/view?page=HomePage. Accessed 8
September 2013.
UNCSD, 2012, ‘The Future We Want’, Rio De Janeiro: United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development.
UNDP, 2012, ‘UN promotes green economy for sustainable development and poverty reduction’,Available online at: http://www.undg.org/docs/12791/UN%20 Zimbabwe%20Newsletter%20ISSUE%20V.PDF .
Accessed 18 September 2013.
UNECA, 2012, ‘Progress Towards Sustainable Development in Southern Africa’,Addis Ababa, UNECA.
UNEP, 2011, ‘Towards a Green Economy: Pathways to Sustainable Development and Poverty Eradication-A Synthesis for Policy Makers’, Nairobi: UNEP.
Watters, A., 2013, ‘Top Ed-Tech Trends of 2012: MOOCs’, Available online at: http://hackeducation.com/2012/12/03/top-ed-tech-trends-of-2012-moocs/. Accessed 10 September 2013.
Welsh, D.H.B. and Dragusin, M., 2013, ‘The New Generation of Massive Open Online Course (MOOCS) and Entrepreneurship Education’, Small Business Institute® Journal, 9 (1), 51-65.