2 - The Changing Face of Redress in South African Higher Education (1990-2005)
Corresponding Author(s) : Teboho Moja
Journal of Higher Education in Africa,
Vol. 3 No. 03 (2005): Journal of Higher Education in Africa
fhis study focuses on fifteen years of redress policies designed to redress past in qualities in South African higher education, particularly as reflected in funding. At tempts to reverse past injustices included measures to address racial inequities for tndividuals with limited access to higher education at one level, and at another fo used on institutional discrimination through unequal funding of institutions based on the racial groupings they were designated to
serve. This led to policies to provide tnstitutional redress. Two periods are examined under two different Ministers ofEdu ation and provide information on different strategies, levels of commitment, and degrees of success. The pre-democracy period to 1994 shaped the debate around redress and acceptance of policies to establish equity in society. Political realities post-1994 reshaped the debate, institutional redress faltered, and the focus on indi vidual redress was
prioritised with the establishment of a student financial aid scheme. The new funding formula implemented in 2005 includes some redress elements. It remains to be seen ifthey will be effective.
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- Jansen, Jonathan D., 2001, 'The Race for Education Policy after Apartheid', in Sayed, Y. & J. Jansen, Implementing Education Policies : The South African Experience, Cape Town: UCT Press. Mandela, N., 1994, 'Address to the People of Cape Town, Grand Parade, on the Occasion of His Inauguration as State President', 9 May, Office of the Presi- dent. Ministry of Education, 2001, 'Funding of Public Higher Education: A New Frame- work', March. Ministry of Education, 2002, 'Funding of Public Higher Education : A New Frame- work', November. Ministry of Education, 2003, 'Government Allocations to Public Universities and Technikons', 12 August. Ministry of Education, 2003, 'Government Funding of Public Higher Education', Government Gazette , 12 August. Ministry of Education, 2003, 'Funding of Public Higher Education', Government Gazette, no. 25824, 9 December. Ministry of Education, 2003, 'Statement on Higher Education Funding: 2004/05 to 2006/07', 1 December.
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- Ncayiyana, D.J., 2004, 'The Changing Higher Education Landscape in South Af- rica', Unpublished paper presented at the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, 29 October. Reconstruction and Development Programme (RDP), 1996, Growth, Employment and Redistribution, retrieved from http://www.polity.org.za/html/govdocs/rdp/ rdp.html#CONTENTS, retrieved 12 January 2005. SAUVCA, 2004, 'Presentation to the Parliamentary Committee on Education', Cape Town, 1 June. Stumpf, R., 2004, '10 Years of Democracy and Higher Education Change', Paper presented at CHE Colloquium, 10-12 November. University of Durban- Westville, M.L. Sultan Technikon, University of Natal, Pe- ninsula Technikon, 2001, Implications of the New Higher Education Frame- work , Pretoria: Centre for Higher Education Transformation. Wikipedia Electronic Encyclopedia, 'Demographics of South Africa', www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apartheid, Accessed November 14, 2004. World Bank, 2002, Constructing Knowledge Societies : New Challenges for Terti- ary Education , Washington DC: World Bank.
Baum, S. and Saunders, D., 2004, Life After Debt : Results of the National Student Loan Survey , Nellie Mae Foundation, retrieved from www.nelliemae.com/li- brary/research_41.html. Bengu, S.M.E., 1995, 'Opening Address', Tertiary Education Programme Support (TEPS), in Conference Proceedings on Student Financial Aid in South Africa , 2 July to 4 July, 1995. Bunting, I., 1994, A Legacy of Inequality: Higher Education in South Africa, Cape Town: UCT Press. Department of Education, 1 997, 'White Paper 3 : A Programme for the Transforma- tion of Higher Education', Government Gazette , 15 August.
Jansen, Jonathan D., 2001, 'The Race for Education Policy after Apartheid', in Sayed, Y. & J. Jansen, Implementing Education Policies : The South African Experience, Cape Town: UCT Press. Mandela, N., 1994, 'Address to the People of Cape Town, Grand Parade, on the Occasion of His Inauguration as State President', 9 May, Office of the Presi- dent. Ministry of Education, 2001, 'Funding of Public Higher Education: A New Frame- work', March. Ministry of Education, 2002, 'Funding of Public Higher Education : A New Frame- work', November. Ministry of Education, 2003, 'Government Allocations to Public Universities and Technikons', 12 August. Ministry of Education, 2003, 'Government Funding of Public Higher Education', Government Gazette , 12 August. Ministry of Education, 2003, 'Funding of Public Higher Education', Government Gazette, no. 25824, 9 December. Ministry of Education, 2003, 'Statement on Higher Education Funding: 2004/05 to 2006/07', 1 December.
Ministry of Education, 2004, 'A New Funding Framework: How Government Grants Are Allocated to Public Higher Education Institutions', February.
Ministry of Education, 2005, 'Ministerial 2005/06 to 2007/08', May. Moja, T., 2002, 'How do Mergers Education and Training , 9, 2, Moja, T. and Hayward, F.M., 200 temporary South Africa', in Yusaf ins: Education Policies: The South Moleah, A.T., 1993, Colonialism Disa Press. National Commission on Higher Education, 1996, ^4 Framework for Transforma- tion , Parow: CTP Bpok Printers. National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS), 2002, 'General Information', http://www.nsfas.org.za/nsfas/jsp/general_main.jsp. National Education Co-ordinating Committee (NECC), 1992, National Education Policy Investigation Post-Secondary Education , Cape Town: Oxford Univer- sity Press.
Ncayiyana, D.J., 2004, 'The Changing Higher Education Landscape in South Af- rica', Unpublished paper presented at the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, 29 October. Reconstruction and Development Programme (RDP), 1996, Growth, Employment and Redistribution, retrieved from http://www.polity.org.za/html/govdocs/rdp/ rdp.html#CONTENTS, retrieved 12 January 2005. SAUVCA, 2004, 'Presentation to the Parliamentary Committee on Education', Cape Town, 1 June. Stumpf, R., 2004, '10 Years of Democracy and Higher Education Change', Paper presented at CHE Colloquium, 10-12 November. University of Durban- Westville, M.L. Sultan Technikon, University of Natal, Pe- ninsula Technikon, 2001, Implications of the New Higher Education Frame- work , Pretoria: Centre for Higher Education Transformation. Wikipedia Electronic Encyclopedia, 'Demographics of South Africa', www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apartheid, Accessed November 14, 2004. World Bank, 2002, Constructing Knowledge Societies : New Challenges for Terti- ary Education , Washington DC: World Bank.