8 - “University is ISO 9000:2008 Certified”: Neoliberal Echoes, Knowledge Production and Quality Assurance in Kenyan State Universities
Corresponding Author(s) : Ishmael I. Munene
Revue de l’enseignement supérieur en Afrique,
Vol. 11 No 1-2 (2013): Revue de l’enseignement supérieur en Afrique
En Afrique, l’Assurance qualité (AQ) dans les universités est empreinte d’un sentiment d’urgence en raison de la croissance rapide qu’a connu le milieu universitaire au cours des deux dernières décennies. L’adoption de principes néolibéraux dans le développement des universités a favorisé la hausse du nombre d’étudiants et des types d’établissements conférant des diplômes universitaires. Le déclin de l’appui budgétaire à l’enseignement supérieur, comme le prouve la baisse des dépenses moyennes par tête d’élève de 6300 dollars à 1500 dollars depuis 1990, la hausse des effectifs scolaires, couplée avec l’inadéquation et la désuétude des ressources d’enseignement et d’apprentissage, en marge de l’exode massif du personnel ainsi que la mauvaise gouvernance ont suscité de troublantes questions sur la qualité de l’enseignement dispensé. Les préoccupations croissantes au sujet de la qualité des institutions et des diplômés ont poussé les autorités de l’éducation nationale et les institutions individuelles à instituer des stratégies d’assurance qualité afin d’améliorer la qualité de l’offre de formation. Cet article examine la façon dont le néolibéralisme a sapé la validation de l’apprentissage par le corps professoral dans le contexte de l’AQ. L’exclusion des enseignants du processus de validation des connaissances par l’AQ est examinée à partir des thèmes suivants: accréditation nationale, certification ISO, les unités internes d’assurance qualité, stages et sessions de formation et le déploiement des technologies de communication et de l’information. Il est évident que le développement des universités parallèlement au paradigme néolibéral a entamé les prérogatives du corps professoral en matière d’AQ, d’autant que les visées mercantilistes l’ont emporté sur les principes académiques.
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- Ntshoe, I., 2004, Higher Education and Training Policy and Practice in South Africa: Impacts of Global Privatization, Quasi-Marketization and New Managerialism, International Journal of Educational Development, 24, pp. 137- 154.
- Pun, K. and Chin, K., 1999, A Self-Assessed Quality Management System Based on Integration of MBNQA/ISO 14000, International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, 16, 6, 606-629.
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Les références
Arreol, R., 2000, Developing a Comprehensive Faculty Evaluation 2nd Edition, Bolton: Anker.
Bloom, D., 2004, Globalization and Education: An Economic Perspective, in M. Suarez- Orozco, and D.Qin-Hilliard, Globalization, Culture and Education in the New Millenium. Berkeley: University of California Press, pp. 56-77.
Bloomfield, D., 2008, Neo-liberal Accreditation Agendas: Challenges and Opportunities for Professional Experience. Retrieved from Australian Association for Educational Research: http://www.aare.edu.au/publications-database.php/5575/Neo-liberal-accreditation-agendas:-Challenges-and-opportunities-for- Professional-Experience(Accessed October 10, 2014).
Bowman, N. and Michael, B., 2011, “Anchoring” the World Class University Rankings. International Higher Education, 65, 2-3.
Cardini, A., 2006, An Analysis of the Rhetoric and Practice of Educational Partnerships in the UK: An Arena of Complexities, Tensions and Power, Journal of Educational Policy, 21, 4, 393-415.
Cross, M. and Naidoo, D, 2011, Peer Review and the Dilemmas of Quality Control in Programme Accreditation in South African Higher Education: Challenges and Possibilities. Higher Education Policy, 24, 517-534.
Elder, F., 2004, Campus Accreditation: Here Comes the Corporate Model, Thought & Action, Winter, 99-104.
Felder, R. and Brent, R., 2004, The Intellectual Development of Science and Engineering Students 1.
Models and Challenges. Journal of Engineering Education, 93, 4, 269-277.
Foucault, M., 1983, Afterword: The Subject and Power, in H. Dreyfus, and P. Rainbow, Beyond Structuralism and Hermeneutics, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, pp. 229-252.
Giroux, H., 2002, Neoliberalism, Corporate Culture and the Promise of Higher Education: The University as a Democratic Public Sphere, Harvard Educational Review, 72, 4, 425-439.
Graves, Willam et. al., 1997, Infusing Information Technology into Academic Process, in P. e.
Marvin, Planning and Managment for a Changing Environment, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Inc. Publishers, pp. 432-452.
Kenyatta University, 2011, 2011 - 2012 Operations Budget Important Statistics, Kenyatta University Finance Department.
Kiamba, C., 2004, The Experience of Privately Sponsored Studentship and other Income Generating Activities at the University of Nairobi, Journal of Higher Education in Africa 2 no. 2, pp. 53-73.
Mamdani, M., 2007, Scholars in the Marketplace: Dilemmas of Neo-liberal Reform at Makerere University, 1989-2005, Dakar, Senegal: CODESRIABooks.
Materu, P., 2007, Higher Education Quality Assurance in Sub-Saharan Africa, Washington, D.C.: The World Bank.
Munene, I., 2003, Student Activism in African Higher Education, in D. Teferra and P. Altbach, African Higher Education: An International Reference Handbook, Bloomington & Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, pp. 117 - 127.
Munene, I., 2008, Privatising the Public: Marketisation as a Strategy in Public University, Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 13 no. 1, pp. 1-17.
Munene, I., 2013, Our University: Ethnicity, Higher Education and the Quest for State Legitimacy in Kenya, Higher Education Policy, 26, 43-63.
Munene, I. and Otieno, W., 2007, Changing the Course: Equity Effects and Institutional Risk Amid Policy Shift in Higher Education Financing in Kenya, Higher Education, 55, 461-479.
Ntshoe, I., 2004, Higher Education and Training Policy and Practice in South Africa: Impacts of Global Privatization, Quasi-Marketization and New Managerialism, International Journal of Educational Development, 24, pp. 137- 154.
Pun, K. and Chin, K., 1999, A Self-Assessed Quality Management System Based on Integration of MBNQA/ISO 14000, International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, 16, 6, 606-629.
Salmi, J., 2011, Nine Common Erros in Building a New World-Class University, International Higher Education, 62, 5-7.
Sifuna, D., 2010, Some Reflections on the Expansion and Quality of Higher Education in Public Universities in Kenya. Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 14, 4, 415-425.
Slaughter, S. and Larry, L., 1997, Academic Capitalism: Politics, Policies and the Entrepreneurial University, Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.
University, K., 2004, The Weekly: A Newsletter from the Vice-Chancellor’s Office Special Edition, Kenyatta University.
Zeleza, P., 2003, Academic Freedom in the Neo-Liberal Order: Governments, Globalization, Governance and Gender, Journal of Higher Education in Africa, 1 no. 1, pp. 149-194.