6 - Globalisation and Labour Utilisation in Nigeria: Evidence from the Construction Industry
Corresponding Author(s) : Edlyne E. Anugwom
Africa Development,
Vol. 32 No. 2 (2007): Africa Development
This study examines the influence of globalisation on labour utilisation in Ni- geria using the construction industry as a case study. It reveals that the era of globalisation has given rise to profound changes in the way labour is utilised, specifically in terms of employment patterns as well as the related issues of earnings, job security, unionisation etc. In effect, the way the worker is used by the firms in the industry is determined solely by the dictates of capitalism, i.e. the profit motive. The conclusion is that the consequences of globalisation have been unfavourable to the workers in the so-called ‘semi-skilled’ category. Thus, neo-liberal globalisation, contrary to the often-benevolent impacts attributed to it, has worsened rather than improved the situation of workers in the construc- tion industry in Nigeria. This then calls attention to the need for inter alia a more focused regulation of the activities of Multinational Corporations (MNCs) and the enforcement of minimum ILO standards in member countries, especially in the developing world where the need to attract the all important foreign invest- ment may override any other consideration.
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- Anugwom, E. E and Anugwom, K. N, 2000, The Structural Adjustment Programme and Urban Poverty in South-Eastern Nigeria: a study of wage earners, A Research Report Prepared for CODESRIA, Dakar, Senegal.
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Anugwom, E. E., 2000, ‘The Socio-Economic Implications of the National Housing Fund Scheme’, Proceedings of the National Workshop on the Administration and Benefits of the National Housing Fund (Loan Scheme) for the Public Service of Nigeria, Abuja: Federal Mortgage Bank of Nigeria.
Anugwom, E. E and Anugwom, K. N, 2000, The Structural Adjustment Programme and Urban Poverty in South-Eastern Nigeria: a study of wage earners, A Research Report Prepared for CODESRIA, Dakar, Senegal.
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Bound, J. and Johnson, G. 1992, ‘Changes in the Structure of Wages inn the 1980s: an evaluation of alternative explanations’, American Economic Review: 371- 392.
Bourguinon, F., de Melo J. and Morrison, C. 1991, ‘Poverty and Income Distribution during Adjustment: issues and evidence from the OECD Project’, Mimeograph, Country Economics Department: World Bank.
Campanella, M. L., 1993, ‘The Effects of Globalization and Turbulence on Policy- Making Processes’, Government and Opposition, Vol. 28, No. 2: 190-205.
Cerny, P., 1997, ‘Paradoxes of the Competition State: the dynamics of political globalisation’, Governmnent and Opposition, Vol. 32, No.2: 251-276.
Daily Independent, 2006, ‘Oshiomhole Berates FG over Plan to Sack 33,000 Workers’, Thursday, 13 July:1.
Davis, S. J., 1992, ‘Cross-Country Patterns of Changes in Relative Wages’, in O. Blanchard and S. Fischer, eds., 1992 NBER Macroeconomic Annuals, Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press.
Demery, L. and L. Squire, 1996, ‘Macroeconomic Adjustment and Poverty in Africa: an emerging picture’, The World Bank Research Observer, Vol. 11 No.1, February.
Dorosh, P. and E. Sahn, 1993, A General Equilibrium Analysis of the Effect of Macroeconomic Adjustment and Poverty in Africa, Ithaca: Cornell University Food and Nutrition Policy Programme.
Freeman, R. B., 1995, ‘Are Your Wages Set in Beijing’, Journal of Economic Perspectives, 9: 15-32.
Freeman, R. B., 1994, ‘Comments’, in Ronald Ehrenberg, ed., Labour Markets and Integrating National Economies, Washington, D.C: The Brookings Institute.
Freeman, R. B., and L. F. Katz, eds., 1995, Differences and Changes in Wage Structures, Chicago: University of Chicago Press and NBER.
Geigher, J., 1988, The Future of the International System, (Translated Version), London: Unwin Hyman.
Giddens, A., 1990, The Consequences of Modernity, Cambridge: Polity Press.
Gottschalk, P., 1997, ‘Policy Changes and Growing Earnings Inequality in the U.S and Six Other OECD Countries’, in P. Gottschalk, B. Gustafsson and E. Palmer, eds., Changing Patterns of Economic Welfare: an international perspective, New York: Cambridge Press.
Gottschalk, P. and Timothy Smeeding, 1997, ‘Cross-National Comparisons of Earning and Income Inequality’, Journal of Economic Literature, 35: 633-687.
Held, D., 1997, ‘Democracy and Globalization’, Global Governance, 3: 251-267.
Held, D. and McGrew, A.. 1993, ‘Globalization and the Liberal Democratic State’, Government and Opposition, Vol. 28 No. 2: 261-288.
Hobsbawm, E., 1990, Nations and Nationalism Since 1780, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Hopkins, A. G., 1979, ‘The Lagos Strike of 1897: an exploration in Nigerian history’, in R. Cohen et al., eds., Peasants and Proletariats: the struggles of Third World workers, London: Hutchinson.
International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU), 1999, ‘Seattle Conference Must Tackle Labour Standards’, Press Statement, 4 November.
Johnson, G., 1997, ‘Changes in Earnings Equality: the role of shifts’, Journal of Economic Perspectives, 11: 41-54.
Katz, L. F. and Murphy, K. M 1992, ‘Changes in Relative Wages, 1963-1987: supply and demand factors’, Quarterly Journal of Economics: 35-78.
Kennedy, P., 1998, ‘Coming to Terms with Contemporary Capitalism: beyond the idealism of globalization and the capitalist ascendancy arguments’, Sociological Research Online, Vol.3, No. 2, http://www.socresonline.org.uk/socresonline/3/2/6.html.
Lachaud, J-P., 1994, The Labour Market in Africa, Geneva: International Institute for Labour Studies.
Lawrence, R. Z. and Slaughter, M. J. 1993, ‘International Trade and U.S Wages: great sucking sound or small hiccup’, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 2: 161-226.
Lavelette, M. and Kennedy, P. 1996, ‘Casual Lives? The Social Effects of Work Casualization and the Lock-out on the Liverpool Docks’, Critical Social Policy, Vol. 16.
Lee, Eddy, 1997, ‘Globalization and Labour Standards: a review of issues’, International Labour Review, Vol.136 No. 2, http://www.ilo.org/public/English/support/publ/revue/articles/lee97-2.htm.
Lipton, M., 1977, Why Poor People Stay Poor: urban bias in World development, London: Temple Smith.
Nwosu, N. I., 1997, ‘Multinational Corporations and the Economy of Third World States’, Scandinavian Journal of Development Alternatives and Area Studies, Vol. 16 No. 2, July.
Nyang’oro, J. E. and Shaw, T. M. 1998, ‘The African State in the Global Economic Context’, in L. A. Villalion and P. A. Huxtable, eds., African States at a Critical Juncture between Disintegration and Reconfiguration Colorado: Lynne Rienner Publisher.
Ohmae, K., 1990, The Borderless World, London: Collins.
Okolie, A., 2000, ‘The Political Economy of Privatization of Public Enterprises in Nigeria: a study of the Niger Gas Co. Enugu’, in E. Anugwom, V. Okeke, R. Asogwa and I. Obasi, eds., Social Sciences: issues and perspectives. Nsukka: Fulladu Publishers.
Okongwu, C., 1987, ‘A Review and Appraisal of the Structural Adjustment Programme, July 1986 to July 1987’, Special Press Briefing, Lagos: Federal Government Printer.
Olurode, L., 2003, ‘Gender, Globalisation and Marginalisation in Africa’, Africa Development, Vol. XXVIII, No. 3 and 4: 67-88.
Onyeonoru, I., 2003, ‘Globalisation and Industrial Performance in Nigeria’, Africa Development, Vol. XXVIII, No. 3 and 4: 36-66.
Oribador, P. E., 1993, ‘Towards Improving the Quality of Working Life in Nigeria: the Role of trade unions’, Review of African Political Affairs, Vol. 7 No. 1 & 2, July/ December.
Otobo, D., 2000, Industrial Relations: theory and controversies, Lagos: Malthouse.
Paul, C. M. and Siegel, D. 2000, The Impact of Technology, Trade and Outsourcing on Employment and Labour Composition, Research Paper 2000/10, Centre for Research on Globalization and Labour Market, University of Nottingham.
Reich, Robert, 1991, The Work of Nations, New York: Simon and Schuster.
Rodgers, G. and van der Hoeven, R., 1995, eds., Reducing Poverty Through Labour Market Policies (new approaches to poverty analysis and policy, vol. iii), Geneva: International Institute of Social Studies.
Rosenau, J., 1990, Turbulence in World Politics, London: Harvester.
Sawyerr, A., 1999, ‘Globalisation and Social Sciences in Africa’, African Sociological Review, 3 (1): 1-19.
Slaughter, M., 1999, ‘What are the Results of Product-Price Studies and What can We Learn from Their Differences?’, in R. Feenstra, ed., International Trade and Wages, London: National Bureau of Economic Research.
The Guardian, 2006, ‘MAN Report Shows High Job Loss, Low Output’, 1 June: 1 and 4.
Thomas, H., 1995, Globalisation and Third World Union, London: Zed Books.
World Bank, 1994, Nigeria, Structural Adjustment Program: policies, implementation and impact, Report No. 13053-UNI, West Africa Department, Country Operations Division, Washington, DC: World Bank.
Yesufu, T. M., 2000, The Human Factor in National Development: Nigeria, Ibadan: Spectrum Books.