5 - Decentralisation and Development: The Malawian Experience
Corresponding Author(s) : Mustafa K. Hussein
Africa Development,
Vol. 29 No. 2 (2004): Africa Development
The reorientation of the local government system towards decentralisation has been at the centre stage in most developing countries, including Malawi, since the advent of multiparty democracy in the 1990s. The justification for the adoption of some form of decentralisation is to promote democratic governance and participatory approaches in development. The primary purpose in this article is to analyse the context within which decentralisation initiatives are undertaken in Malawi and to assess the extent to which decentralisation promotes participatory approaches in development. This paper is based primarily on documentary research and supplemented by interviews conducted with senior officials from local authorities and with selected members of the public.
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- Anders, G., 2002, 'Freedom and Insecurity: Civil Servants between Support Networks, the Free Market and Civil Service Reform', in Englund, H., ed., A Democracy of Chameleons, Politics and Culture in the New Malawi, Blantyre, CLAIM. Apthorpe, R., Chiviya, E. and Kaunda, G., 1995, Report on Decentralisation in Malawi: Local Governance and Development, Lilongwe, UNDP/Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development. Aril, S., 2000, 'Democratic local government and responsiveness: lessons from Zimbabwe and Tanzania', in Tukumbi, Lumumba Kasongo, eds., Dynamics and Policy Implications of Global Reforms at the End of Second Millennium, Leiden, Brill. Ayee, J, R.A., 1992, 'Decentralisation and effective government: the case of Ghana's district assembly', Africa Insight, Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 49-56. Barle, D.G, & Uys, F.M., 2002, 'Macro perspective on intergovernmental relations in respect of local political structures', Journal of Public Administration, Vol. 37, No. 2, pp. 140-63. Boeninger, E., 1992, 'Governance and Development: Issues and Constraints', Proceedings of the World Bank Annual Conference on Development Economics, April 25-26, in The World Bank Economic Review, Washington. Bratton, M. and Liatto-Katundu, B., 1994, 'A Focus Group Assessment of Political Attitudes in Zambia', African Affairs, Vol. 93, pp. 535-64. Brynard, D.J., 1996, 'Planning Participatory Approach', in Bekker, K. ed., Citizen Participation in Local Government, Pretoria, J.L. van Schaik. Bums, D., Hambleton, R., Hogget, P., 1994, The Politics of Decentralisation: Revitalising Local Democracy, London, Macmillan Press Ltd. Cameron, R., 2002, 'Local Government: Quo Vadis?', Journal of Public Administration, Vol.37, No.4, pp. 475-91. Checkoway, B. and Van Til, J., 1978, 'What Do We Know about Citizen Participation? A Selected Review of Research', in Langten, ed., Citizen Participation in America, Lexington, D.C. Heath and Company. Chikulo, B, C., 2000, 'Decentralisation for Good governance and Development: the Zambian experience', in United Nations (UN), Decentralisation and Citizen Participation in Africa, RDD Vol. 21, No. I, pp. 26-47, Spring 2000, Nagoya, Japan. Chilungo, A., 2003, 'Challenges Facing Local Government Finance and Administration', unpublished paper presented, University of Malawi, Chancellor College. Chinsinga, B., and Dzimadzi, 2001, Impact Assessment Study on the Process of Decentralisation in Malawi, Lilongwe, Decentralisation Secretariat. Chinsinga, B., 2002, 'The Politics of Poverty Alleviation in Malawi: A Critical Review', in Englund, H., ed., A Democracy of Chameleons, Politics and Culture in the New Malawi, Blantyre, CLAIM. Clapper, V.A., 1996, 'Advantages and Disadvantages of Citizen Participation', in Bekker, K., ed., Citizen Participation in local government, Pretoria, J.L. van Schaik. Cleaver, F., 2001, 'Institutions, Agency and the Limitations of Participatory Approaches to Development', in Cooke, B., and Kothari, U., eds., Participation, The New Tyranny, London, Zed Books. Cooke, B., and Kothari, U., 2001, 'The Case for Participation as Tyranny' in Cooke, B., and Kothari, U., eds., Participation, The New Tyranny, London, Zed Books. Crook, R.C., 1994, 'Four Years of the Ghana District Assemblies in Operation, Decentralisation, Démocratisation and Administrative Performance', Public Administration and Development, Vol. 14, pp. 339-64. Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA), 1998, Review of the Decentralisation Process within the Danish Supported Programmes in Malawi, Danida Reference No. 104.P3 Mai, November, Lilongwe. Gama, K., 2000, 'Voter Apathy characterises by-elections', UDF News, 27-03 May 2000. Geldenhuys, A. J., 1996, 'Analysing Democracy for Local Government', in Bekker, K. (ed.), Citizen Participation in local government, Pretoria, J.L. van Schaik. Ikhide, S., 1999, 'Local Government Finance and Accountability: A Case Study of Selected Local Government Areas in Nigeria', in Olowu, D. et al., eds., Governance and Démocratisation in West Africa,, Dakar, Senegal, CODESRIA. Kaluwa, B. & Kawonga, A.J.C., 1998, The Potentialfor Urban Local Authorities Economic Development within the Context of Structural Adjustments Programs - The Case of Malawi, Zomba, The Municipal Development for Eastern and Southern Africa Report. Kaunda, J.M., 1998, 'The State and Society: the Case of Malawi', Journal of Commonwealth and Comparative Politics, Vol. 36, pp. 48-67. Kayambazinthu, E., and Moyo, F., 2002, 'Hate Speech in the New Malawi', in Englund, H., ed., A Democracy of Chameleons, Politics and Culture in the New Malawi, Blantyre, CLAIM. Kiggundu, M.N., 2000, 'Decentralisation', in Mukandala, R. ed., African Public Administration, Harare, African Association of Political Science. Langton, S., 1978, Citizen Participation in America, Lexington, DC Heath and Company. Local Government ( District Council) Ordinance of 1953, Government Press, Zomba. Long, N., 1911, An Introduction to the Sociology of Rural Development, London, Tavistock Publications. Makara, S., 2000, 'Decentralisation and Citizen Participation in Africa, Uganda Experience, Decentralisation and Citizen Participation in Africa', Regional Development Dialogue, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 73-92 Nagoya, Japan. Malawi (Republic), 2000, Decentralisation Policy (MDP), Lilongwe. Malawi (Republic), 2002, MPSRP, Malawi Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper, Final Draft, Lilongwe. Malawi (Republic), 1999, DDPH: District Development Planning Handbook, March. Malawi (Republic), 1995, MDDPM: Malawi District Development Planning Manual. Ministry of Local Government, November. Malawi (Republic), 1995, The Constitution of the Republic of Malawi, as amended No. 7 of 1995, Zomba, Government Press. Malawi (Republic), The Local Government Act, No. 42 of 1998, Zomba, Government Press. Malawi (Republic), 1997, MDDF-Malawi District Development Fund Financial Manual, Lilongwe. Malawi (Republic), 1999, LGDMP - Local Governance and Development Management Programme, Draft Annual Report, Lilongwe. Mawhood, P., ed., 1993, Local Government in the Third World, Pretoria, Africa Institute of South Africa. Miller, R.A., 1970, 'District Development Committees in Malawi: A Case Study in Rural Development', Journal of Administration Overseas, 9,2. Munro, W. A., 1995, 'Building the Post Colonial State: Villagization and Resource Management in Zimbabwe', Politics and Society, Vol. 23, No. I, pp. 107—40. Musukwa, H., 2001, 'Assemblies Lack Plans', The Nation. 30 October. Mzembe, D., 2001, 'Financial Woes Rocks Assemblies', The Weekend Nation, N5 (24). Ngubane, S., 1999, 'Malawi's Post Election Woes', ACCORD Conflict Trends. Issue, 4. Nhlane, S., 2001, 'How Far Malawi? Traversing the Democratic and Human Rights Path', The Nation. 5 June. Nkrumah, S.A., 2000, 'Decentralisation and Citizen Participation in Africa: The Ghanaian Experience', in United Nations (UN), Decentralisation and citizen participation in Africa, RDD Vol. 21, No.l: 53-67 Spring 2000, Nagoya, Japan. Omiya, P.J., 2000, 'Citizen Participation in Kenya", in United Nations (UN), Decentralisation and citizen participation in Africa, Regional Development Dialogue (RDD Vol. 21, No.l : 194-212, Spring 2000, Nagoya, Japan. Otanez, M., 1995, 'Labour and Démocratisation in Malawi', MA unpublished paper. Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, December. Oyugi, W.O., 2000, 'Decentralisation for good governance and Development', in United Nations (UN), Decentralisation and Citizen Participation in Africa. Regional Development Dialogue (RDD Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 3-22, Spring 2000, Nagoya, Japan. Phiri, D.D., 2000, 'Decentralisation and Corruption'; The Nation, 9 September. Rondinelli, D.A., 1981, 'Government Decentralisation: Theory and Practice in Developing Countries', International Review of Administrative Sciences, vol. 47. Rondinelli, D.A., and Cheema, G.S., 1983, Decentralisation and Development: Policy Implementation in Developing Countries, London, Sage. Sharma, K., 2000, 'Popular Participation in Botswana', in United Nations (UN), Decentralisation and Citizen Participation in Africa, Regional Development Dialogue, Vol. 21, No.l, pp. 177-91 (Spring), Nagoya, Japan. Sharma, K.C., 1995, 'Critical Issues in Local Government Management and Development Related to Central-local Government Relations in Botswana: Lessons of Relevance for Restructuring of Local Government in Post-apartheid South Africa', in Reddy, P.S., ed., Perspectives on Local Government Management and Development in Africa, Pinetown, Kohler Carton and Print. Simukonda, P., 1997, 'A Case of Legitimate Corruption? The Malawi Policy Context of Regional Equity', Unpublished paper, presented at Southern African Universities Social Science Conference (SAUSSC) November 30-December 5. Smith, B.C., 1985, Decentralisation: The Territorial Dimension of the State, London, Allen Unwin. Somanje, H., 2001, Democracy at the Crossroads', Malawi News, December 2-8. Sukali, E., 2000, 'Civil Society Targets Apathy and Null Votes', The Nation, 8 August. Tordoff, W.A., 1994, 'Decentralisation: Comparative Experience in Commonwealth Africa', Journal of Modern African Studies, 32 (4), pp. 555-80. UNDP, 2000, Decentralised Governance in Malawi, Lilongwe, April. Wolman, H., 1990, 'Decentralisation: What It Is and Why We Should Care', in Bennett, R, J. ed., Decentralisation Local Government, and Markets, Oxford, Clarendon Press. World Bank, 1992, Local Government Project in Malawi, Washington DC.
Anders, G., 2002, 'Freedom and Insecurity: Civil Servants between Support Networks, the Free Market and Civil Service Reform', in Englund, H., ed., A Democracy of Chameleons, Politics and Culture in the New Malawi, Blantyre, CLAIM. Apthorpe, R., Chiviya, E. and Kaunda, G., 1995, Report on Decentralisation in Malawi: Local Governance and Development, Lilongwe, UNDP/Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development. Aril, S., 2000, 'Democratic local government and responsiveness: lessons from Zimbabwe and Tanzania', in Tukumbi, Lumumba Kasongo, eds., Dynamics and Policy Implications of Global Reforms at the End of Second Millennium, Leiden, Brill. Ayee, J, R.A., 1992, 'Decentralisation and effective government: the case of Ghana's district assembly', Africa Insight, Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 49-56. Barle, D.G, & Uys, F.M., 2002, 'Macro perspective on intergovernmental relations in respect of local political structures', Journal of Public Administration, Vol. 37, No. 2, pp. 140-63. Boeninger, E., 1992, 'Governance and Development: Issues and Constraints', Proceedings of the World Bank Annual Conference on Development Economics, April 25-26, in The World Bank Economic Review, Washington. Bratton, M. and Liatto-Katundu, B., 1994, 'A Focus Group Assessment of Political Attitudes in Zambia', African Affairs, Vol. 93, pp. 535-64. Brynard, D.J., 1996, 'Planning Participatory Approach', in Bekker, K. ed., Citizen Participation in Local Government, Pretoria, J.L. van Schaik. Bums, D., Hambleton, R., Hogget, P., 1994, The Politics of Decentralisation: Revitalising Local Democracy, London, Macmillan Press Ltd. Cameron, R., 2002, 'Local Government: Quo Vadis?', Journal of Public Administration, Vol.37, No.4, pp. 475-91. Checkoway, B. and Van Til, J., 1978, 'What Do We Know about Citizen Participation? A Selected Review of Research', in Langten, ed., Citizen Participation in America, Lexington, D.C. Heath and Company. Chikulo, B, C., 2000, 'Decentralisation for Good governance and Development: the Zambian experience', in United Nations (UN), Decentralisation and Citizen Participation in Africa, RDD Vol. 21, No. I, pp. 26-47, Spring 2000, Nagoya, Japan. Chilungo, A., 2003, 'Challenges Facing Local Government Finance and Administration', unpublished paper presented, University of Malawi, Chancellor College. Chinsinga, B., and Dzimadzi, 2001, Impact Assessment Study on the Process of Decentralisation in Malawi, Lilongwe, Decentralisation Secretariat. Chinsinga, B., 2002, 'The Politics of Poverty Alleviation in Malawi: A Critical Review', in Englund, H., ed., A Democracy of Chameleons, Politics and Culture in the New Malawi, Blantyre, CLAIM. Clapper, V.A., 1996, 'Advantages and Disadvantages of Citizen Participation', in Bekker, K., ed., Citizen Participation in local government, Pretoria, J.L. van Schaik. Cleaver, F., 2001, 'Institutions, Agency and the Limitations of Participatory Approaches to Development', in Cooke, B., and Kothari, U., eds., Participation, The New Tyranny, London, Zed Books. Cooke, B., and Kothari, U., 2001, 'The Case for Participation as Tyranny' in Cooke, B., and Kothari, U., eds., Participation, The New Tyranny, London, Zed Books. Crook, R.C., 1994, 'Four Years of the Ghana District Assemblies in Operation, Decentralisation, Démocratisation and Administrative Performance', Public Administration and Development, Vol. 14, pp. 339-64. Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA), 1998, Review of the Decentralisation Process within the Danish Supported Programmes in Malawi, Danida Reference No. 104.P3 Mai, November, Lilongwe. Gama, K., 2000, 'Voter Apathy characterises by-elections', UDF News, 27-03 May 2000. Geldenhuys, A. J., 1996, 'Analysing Democracy for Local Government', in Bekker, K. (ed.), Citizen Participation in local government, Pretoria, J.L. van Schaik. Ikhide, S., 1999, 'Local Government Finance and Accountability: A Case Study of Selected Local Government Areas in Nigeria', in Olowu, D. et al., eds., Governance and Démocratisation in West Africa,, Dakar, Senegal, CODESRIA. Kaluwa, B. & Kawonga, A.J.C., 1998, The Potentialfor Urban Local Authorities Economic Development within the Context of Structural Adjustments Programs - The Case of Malawi, Zomba, The Municipal Development for Eastern and Southern Africa Report. Kaunda, J.M., 1998, 'The State and Society: the Case of Malawi', Journal of Commonwealth and Comparative Politics, Vol. 36, pp. 48-67. Kayambazinthu, E., and Moyo, F., 2002, 'Hate Speech in the New Malawi', in Englund, H., ed., A Democracy of Chameleons, Politics and Culture in the New Malawi, Blantyre, CLAIM. Kiggundu, M.N., 2000, 'Decentralisation', in Mukandala, R. ed., African Public Administration, Harare, African Association of Political Science. Langton, S., 1978, Citizen Participation in America, Lexington, DC Heath and Company. Local Government ( District Council) Ordinance of 1953, Government Press, Zomba. Long, N., 1911, An Introduction to the Sociology of Rural Development, London, Tavistock Publications. Makara, S., 2000, 'Decentralisation and Citizen Participation in Africa, Uganda Experience, Decentralisation and Citizen Participation in Africa', Regional Development Dialogue, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 73-92 Nagoya, Japan. Malawi (Republic), 2000, Decentralisation Policy (MDP), Lilongwe. Malawi (Republic), 2002, MPSRP, Malawi Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper, Final Draft, Lilongwe. Malawi (Republic), 1999, DDPH: District Development Planning Handbook, March. Malawi (Republic), 1995, MDDPM: Malawi District Development Planning Manual. Ministry of Local Government, November. Malawi (Republic), 1995, The Constitution of the Republic of Malawi, as amended No. 7 of 1995, Zomba, Government Press. Malawi (Republic), The Local Government Act, No. 42 of 1998, Zomba, Government Press. Malawi (Republic), 1997, MDDF-Malawi District Development Fund Financial Manual, Lilongwe. Malawi (Republic), 1999, LGDMP - Local Governance and Development Management Programme, Draft Annual Report, Lilongwe. Mawhood, P., ed., 1993, Local Government in the Third World, Pretoria, Africa Institute of South Africa. Miller, R.A., 1970, 'District Development Committees in Malawi: A Case Study in Rural Development', Journal of Administration Overseas, 9,2. Munro, W. A., 1995, 'Building the Post Colonial State: Villagization and Resource Management in Zimbabwe', Politics and Society, Vol. 23, No. I, pp. 107—40. Musukwa, H., 2001, 'Assemblies Lack Plans', The Nation. 30 October. Mzembe, D., 2001, 'Financial Woes Rocks Assemblies', The Weekend Nation, N5 (24). Ngubane, S., 1999, 'Malawi's Post Election Woes', ACCORD Conflict Trends. Issue, 4. Nhlane, S., 2001, 'How Far Malawi? Traversing the Democratic and Human Rights Path', The Nation. 5 June. Nkrumah, S.A., 2000, 'Decentralisation and Citizen Participation in Africa: The Ghanaian Experience', in United Nations (UN), Decentralisation and citizen participation in Africa, RDD Vol. 21, No.l: 53-67 Spring 2000, Nagoya, Japan. Omiya, P.J., 2000, 'Citizen Participation in Kenya", in United Nations (UN), Decentralisation and citizen participation in Africa, Regional Development Dialogue (RDD Vol. 21, No.l : 194-212, Spring 2000, Nagoya, Japan. Otanez, M., 1995, 'Labour and Démocratisation in Malawi', MA unpublished paper. Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, December. Oyugi, W.O., 2000, 'Decentralisation for good governance and Development', in United Nations (UN), Decentralisation and Citizen Participation in Africa. Regional Development Dialogue (RDD Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 3-22, Spring 2000, Nagoya, Japan. Phiri, D.D., 2000, 'Decentralisation and Corruption'; The Nation, 9 September. Rondinelli, D.A., 1981, 'Government Decentralisation: Theory and Practice in Developing Countries', International Review of Administrative Sciences, vol. 47. Rondinelli, D.A., and Cheema, G.S., 1983, Decentralisation and Development: Policy Implementation in Developing Countries, London, Sage. Sharma, K., 2000, 'Popular Participation in Botswana', in United Nations (UN), Decentralisation and Citizen Participation in Africa, Regional Development Dialogue, Vol. 21, No.l, pp. 177-91 (Spring), Nagoya, Japan. Sharma, K.C., 1995, 'Critical Issues in Local Government Management and Development Related to Central-local Government Relations in Botswana: Lessons of Relevance for Restructuring of Local Government in Post-apartheid South Africa', in Reddy, P.S., ed., Perspectives on Local Government Management and Development in Africa, Pinetown, Kohler Carton and Print. Simukonda, P., 1997, 'A Case of Legitimate Corruption? The Malawi Policy Context of Regional Equity', Unpublished paper, presented at Southern African Universities Social Science Conference (SAUSSC) November 30-December 5. Smith, B.C., 1985, Decentralisation: The Territorial Dimension of the State, London, Allen Unwin. Somanje, H., 2001, Democracy at the Crossroads', Malawi News, December 2-8. Sukali, E., 2000, 'Civil Society Targets Apathy and Null Votes', The Nation, 8 August. Tordoff, W.A., 1994, 'Decentralisation: Comparative Experience in Commonwealth Africa', Journal of Modern African Studies, 32 (4), pp. 555-80. UNDP, 2000, Decentralised Governance in Malawi, Lilongwe, April. Wolman, H., 1990, 'Decentralisation: What It Is and Why We Should Care', in Bennett, R, J. ed., Decentralisation Local Government, and Markets, Oxford, Clarendon Press. World Bank, 1992, Local Government Project in Malawi, Washington DC.