2 - Institutionalised Marginality, Social Conflicts and the Quest for National Unity in an African Nation-State: A Theoretical Exploration
Africa Development,
Vol. 28 No. 3-4 (2003): Africa Development
This essay focuses on the issue of marginality, marginalisation and the quest for national unity. Although, the issue of marginalisation in a nation-state such as Nigeria has been widely discussed by writers, few have attempted to offer a systematic analysis of the issue through a theoretical or conceptual basis. This paper examines the extent to which the competition for resources and the exer cise of political control have compelled the marginalisation of various segments of Nigerian society. It highlights the evolving nature and different expressions of marginalisation. By looking at the issue of marginality and the social order in Nigeria against the backdrop of the brutal facts of injustice, inequality and exploitation, we seek to discern the epochal configurations and socio-cultural locations of the problem. Our aim is to discover how this problem has militated against the quest for national integration and reconciliation in the polity. And by highlignting the attendant crisis of social order occasioned by marginalisation, this essay reinforces the need for the urgent establishment of enduring humane rules of distributive justice in the society.
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- Anyadubalu, P., 1999, 'Obasanjo's Cabinet', Vanguard, 24 July.
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- Babangida, U. inAgwu, D., 2000, 'No group is marginalized', Weekend Vanguard,January 15.
- Shaba, H., 1996, 'The other Question', in M. Padmini, ed. Contemporary Post colonial Theo1y, London, Arnold Headline, pp. 37-54.
- Barletta, A. in Touraine, A., 1991, 'What does democracy mean today?', Interna tional Social Science Journal, 128, pp.259-268.
- Chakrabarty, D., 1996, 'Post coloniality and the Artifice ofHistory: who speaks for India's Pasts?', in M. Padmini ed. Contemporary Post colonial Theory, Lon don: Arnold Hodder Headline, pp. 223-247.
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- Fatton, R., 1992, Predato,y Rule: State and Civil Society in A_/i"ica, Boulder: Lynne Rienner.
- Gaines, S. O., 1996, 'Perspectives of Dubois and Fanon on the Psychology of Oppression', in L. Gordon et al, Fanon: A Critical Reader, Cambridge, Mas sachusetts, pp.24-34.
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- Kellner, D., 1998, 'Globalization and the Postmodern Turn', in R. Axtmann ed.,Globalization and Europe, London: Pinter, pp. 23-42.
- Laitin, D., 1996, 'A formai Mode! ofMarginality and Security', in S. Nolutshungu, ed., Margins of lnsecurity: Minorities and international security', New York: University of Rochester, pp.37-57.
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- York: University of Rochester,pp. viii-xiii.
- Nolutshungu, S., 1996, 'Introduction: International Security and Marginality', in S. Nolutshungu ed., Margins of lnsecurity Minorities and International Security, New York: University of Rochester, pp.1-35. ,
- Nzouankeu, Jacques-Marie!, 1991, 'The African attitude to Democracy', Interna tional Social Science Journal, 128, pp.373-385.
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- Ogunmodede, B., 2000, 'Gowon, Anyim preach tolerance for national security', inThe Cornet Vol. 2, No. 540.
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- Quayson, A, 2000, Post Colonialism, Theo,y, Practice or Process?, Cambridge: Polity Press.
- Schochet, G, 1979, 'Social Responsibility, Profits and the Public Interest', Socie(v,March/April, pp. 20-26.
- Scholte, J., 1996, 'Beyond the Buzzword: Towards a Critical Theory ofGlobaliza tion', in E. Kofman
- and G. Young eds., G/obalization: Theo,T and Practice, London: Pinter Cassel!, pp. 43-57.
- Schumpeter, J., 1982, 'Two concepts of democracy', in A. Quinton ed. Politicaf Philosophy, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 153-173.
- Shepsle, K., 1980, The Private use of Public Interest', Society May/June, pp. 35Shohat, E., 1996, 'Notes on the "Post-Colonial"', in M. Padmini ed., Contempora,y Post colonial Theory, London: Arnold Hodder Headline, pp. 321-333. Slemon, S., 1996,
- 'Unsettling the Empire: Resistance Theory for the Second World',in M. Padmini ed., Contemporary Post colonial Theory, London: Arnold, pp.72-83.
- Spivak, G C., 1996, 'Poststructuralism, Marginality, Post coloniality and Value', inM. Padmini ed., Contemporary Post colonial The01y, London: Arnold, pp. 202-222.
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- White, R. T., 1996, 'Revolutionary Theory: Socio-logical Dimensions offanon's Sociologie d'une revolution', in L. Gordon et al, eds., Fanon: A Critical Reader, Cambridge, Massachusetts, pp. l 00-109.
- Willie, C., 1975, 'Marginality and Social Change', SOCIETY, Vol.12, No. 5 July/ August: pp.!0-13.
Aidokanya, B., 1999, 'Interview with Danjuma Makama - the Secretary-General ofthe National Patriotic Movement', in The News Magazine.
Anyadubalu, P., 1999, 'Obasanjo's Cabinet', Vanguard, 24 July.
Anyaoku, E. 2000. 'Keys To Nigeria's Political Stability', National Interest, Vol. l No.32.
Axtmann, R., 1998, 'Globalization, Europe and the State: lntroductory Reflections', in R. Axtmann ed. Globalization and Europe: Theoretical and Empirical Investigations, London: Pinter, pp. 1-22.
Babangida, U. inAgwu, D., 2000, 'No group is marginalized', Weekend Vanguard,January 15.
Shaba, H., 1996, 'The other Question', in M. Padmini, ed. Contemporary Post colonial Theo1y, London, Arnold Headline, pp. 37-54.
Barletta, A. in Touraine, A., 1991, 'What does democracy mean today?', Interna tional Social Science Journal, 128, pp.259-268.
Chakrabarty, D., 1996, 'Post coloniality and the Artifice ofHistory: who speaks for India's Pasts?', in M. Padmini ed. Contemporary Post colonial Theory, Lon don: Arnold Hodder Headline, pp. 223-247.
Clapham, C., 1991, 'The African State', in D. Rimmer ed. Africa, Thirty years on,London, James Currey, pp. 91-104.
Clapham C., 1994, 'Democratization inAfrica: Obstacles and Prospects', Third World Quarter(v 28, pp. 423-438.
Diamond, L., 1995, 'Nigeria: The Uncivic Society and the Descent into Praetorianism', in L. Diamond et al ed. Politics in Developing Countries: Comparing Experiences with Democracy, 2nd edition, Boulder: Lynne Rienner, pp.417-491.
Dommen, E., 1997, 'Paradigms ofGovernance and Exclusion', The Journal of Modern A.fh'can Studies, Vol.35, No. 3, pp. 485-494.
Ebelo,G,2000, 'High-TensionMoves', Tempo, Vol.14. No.12.
Edelman, Murray, 1975, 'Language, Myths and Rhetoric', Society. July/Augustpp. 41-21.
Editors, 2000, 'Nigeria', Africa Research Bulletin, April.
Fanon, F., 1963, The Wretched of'The Earth, New York: Penguin.
Fatton, R., 1992, Predato,y Rule: State and Civil Society in A_/i"ica, Boulder: Lynne Rienner.
Gaines, S. O., 1996, 'Perspectives of Dubois and Fanon on the Psychology of Oppression', in L. Gordon et al, Fanon: A Critical Reader, Cambridge, Mas sachusetts, pp.24-34.
Held D., 1987,Models ofDemocracy, Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
Held, D., 1993, 'Democracy: From city-states to a cosmopolitan order?' in D. Held, ed., Prospects for Democracy, Cambridge, Polity Press.
Jinadu, A, 1980, Fanon: ln Search of the African Revolution, Enugu: Fourth Dimension.
Kellner, D., 1998, 'Globalization and the Postmodern Turn', in R. Axtmann ed.,Globalization and Europe, London: Pinter, pp. 23-42.
Laitin, D., 1996, 'A formai Mode! ofMarginality and Security', in S. Nolutshungu, ed., Margins of lnsecurity: Minorities and international security', New York: University of Rochester, pp.37-57.
Madunagu, E. 2000. 'Sovereign Conference or Civil War', The Guardian, March. Nolutshungu, S., 1996, 'Preface', in S. Nolutshungu ed., Margins of lnsecurity Minorities and International Security, New
York: University of Rochester,pp. viii-xiii.
Nolutshungu, S., 1996, 'Introduction: International Security and Marginality', in S. Nolutshungu ed., Margins of lnsecurity Minorities and International Security, New York: University of Rochester, pp.1-35. ,
Nzouankeu, Jacques-Marie!, 1991, 'The African attitude to Democracy', Interna tional Social Science Journal, 128, pp.373-385.
Obasanjo, O., 1999, 'Moral foundations forour Polity ', The Guardian, 1 October, National Broadcast by Nigeria 's President on the 39'" anniversary ofN igerian lndependence.
Ogunmodede, B., 2000, 'Gowon, Anyim preach tolerance for national security', inThe Cornet Vol. 2, No. 540.
Orkar, G, 2000, 'Coup speech', Vanguard, 14 March.
Peterson, S. V, 1996, 'Shifting Ground(s): Epistemological and Territorial Remapping in the Context ofGlobalizations(s)', in E. Kofman and G. Young eds. Globalization: Theo1y and Practice, London: Pinter Cassel!, pp.11-28.
Puckrein, G., 1993, The Civil Rights Movement and The legacy a/Martin Luther King JR, Washington DC United States Information Agency.
Quayson, A, 2000, Post Colonialism, Theo,y, Practice or Process?, Cambridge: Polity Press.
Schochet, G, 1979, 'Social Responsibility, Profits and the Public Interest', Socie(v,March/April, pp. 20-26.
Scholte, J., 1996, 'Beyond the Buzzword: Towards a Critical Theory ofGlobaliza tion', in E. Kofman
and G. Young eds., G/obalization: Theo,T and Practice, London: Pinter Cassel!, pp. 43-57.
Schumpeter, J., 1982, 'Two concepts of democracy', in A. Quinton ed. Politicaf Philosophy, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 153-173.
Shepsle, K., 1980, The Private use of Public Interest', Society May/June, pp. 35Shohat, E., 1996, 'Notes on the "Post-Colonial"', in M. Padmini ed., Contempora,y Post colonial Theory, London: Arnold Hodder Headline, pp. 321-333. Slemon, S., 1996,
'Unsettling the Empire: Resistance Theory for the Second World',in M. Padmini ed., Contemporary Post colonial Theory, London: Arnold, pp.72-83.
Spivak, G C., 1996, 'Poststructuralism, Marginality, Post coloniality and Value', inM. Padmini ed., Contemporary Post colonial The01y, London: Arnold, pp. 202-222.
Taiwo, O., 1996, 'On the Misadventures of national consciousness: A Retrospect on Frantz Fanon's Gift ofprophecy', in L. Gordon etal, eds., Fanon: A critical Reader, Cambridge, Massachusetts, pp 255-270.
White, R. T., 1996, 'Revolutionary Theory: Socio-logical Dimensions offanon's Sociologie d'une revolution', in L. Gordon et al, eds., Fanon: A Critical Reader, Cambridge, Massachusetts, pp. l 00-109.
Willie, C., 1975, 'Marginality and Social Change', SOCIETY, Vol.12, No. 5 July/ August: pp.!0-13.