2 - Funding Higher Education in Africa: State, Trends and Perspectives
Corresponding Author(s) : Damtew Teferra
Journal of Higher Education in Africa,
Vol. 11 No. 1-2 (2013): Journal of Higher Education in Africa
This article discusses and analyzes the state of funding higher education in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). The article, based on nine case study countries, examines the cost of higher education, current and potential funding sources and policy discourses that shaped funding trends in the region. The study further explores policies, trends and factors that hindered, as well as promoted, funding the sector in SSA and the role of external players in doing so. It also articulates poorly tapped and potential sources of funding for the higher education system. It concludes by providing some policy recommendations, taking into account the mounting challenges of expansion which are pushing the cost of higher education to unsustainable levels.
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- Adiascom, 2009, ‘African Diaspora Scientific Community Mobilization for Africa Initiative:International Conference’, 29 June–1 July 2009, Paris: Adiascom, . www.adiascom.org/3.html.
- African Union, 2012, ‘Report on the Pan African University’AU/ EXP/EDUC/ 6 (V), Department of Human Resources, Science and Technology, African Union Commission, African Union, Addis Ababa http://hrst.au.int/fr/sites/default/files/ comedaf%20panafrican%20university_0.pdf Amin, A.A. and Awung, W.J., 2005, Economic Analysis of Private Returns to Investment in Education in Cameroon, African Institute for Economic Development and Planning, Dakar.
- http://www.saga.cornell.edu/saga/educconf/ amin.pdf Association of African Universities, http://www.aau.org.
- Association of Public and Land-grant Universities, http://www.aplu.org.
- Bloom, D., Canning, D. and Chan, K., 2006, Higher Education and Economic Development in Africa, Washington DC: World Bank.
- Damane, V. and Molutsi, P., 2013, ‘Crisis of a Rich State: Botswana’s Dilemma in Financing Tertiary Education’ in D. Teferra (ed.), Funding Higher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa, Hampshire: Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 13-37.
- Dunga, S. Henry, 2013, ‘Financing Higher Education in Malawi: Prospects, Challenges and Opportunities’ in D. Teferra (ed.), Funding Higher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa, Hampshire: Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 184-213.
- European Union—ACP-EDULINK, http://www.acp-edulink.eu/Higher Education South Africa (HESA), http://www.hesa.org.za/Ilon, L., 2003, ‘Foreign Aid Financing of Higher Education in Africa’ in D. Teferra & P. G. Altbach (eds.), African Higher Education: An International Reference Handbook, Bloomington:Indiana University Press, pp. 61–72.
- Ishengoma, J., 2013, ‘Funding Higher Education in Tanzania: Modalities, Challenges, Prospects and a Proposal for New Funding Modalities’ in D. Teferra (ed.), Funding Higher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa, Hampshire: Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 214-246.
- Jibril, M. & Obaje, A., 2008, ‘Nigeria’, in D. Teferra & J. Knight (eds.), Higher Education in Africa: An International Dimension, Chestnut Hill, MA and Accra: Boston College and Association of African Universities, , pp. 339-366.
- Johnstone, D.B., 2009, Financing higher education: Who pays and other issues, Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press.
- Johnstone, B.D. and Teferra, D., 2004, ‘Introduction’, Journal of Higher Education in Africa 2(2),1–5.
- Leslie, L. Larry, 1990, ‘Rates of Return as Informer of Public Policy: With Special Reference to the World Bank and Third World Countries’, Higher Education 20, 271-286.
- Lulat, Y. G.-M., 2003, ‘The Development of Higher Education in Africa: A Historical Survey’ in D. Teferra & P. G. Altbach (eds.), African Higher Education: An International Reference Handbook,Bloomington: Indiana University Press,pp. 15-31.
- Masaiti, G., 2013, ‘Students’ Perceptions of Financing Public Universities in Zambia: Towards a More Sustainable and Inclusive Policy Strategy’ in D. Teferra (ed.), Funding Higher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa, Hampshire: Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 296-326.
- Maunde, R., 2003, ‘Zimbabwe’ in D. Teferra & P. G. Altbach (eds.), African Higher Education: An International Reference Handbook, Bloomington: Indiana University Press, pp. 636-648.
- Ministry of Education, Ethiopia, 2013.
- Moges, Y., 2013, ‘Funding Higher Education in Ethiopia: Modalities, Challenges, Opportunities and Prospects’ in D. Teferra (ed.), Funding Higher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa, Hampshire: Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 38-70.
- Mpofu, J., Chimhenga, S. and Mafa, O., 2013, ‘Funding Higher Education in Zimbabwe: llenges and Opportunities of the Cadetship Scheme’ in D.Teferra (ed.), Funding Higher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa, Hampshire: Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 327-350.
- Musisi, N. B. and Muwanga, N. K., 2003, Makerere University in transition 1993- 2000: Opportunities and challenges, London: James Currey.
- Nemukuyu, D., 2013, ‘Zimbabwe: Government Owes State Universities US $64 Million’, AllAfrica.com, 31 March, Allafrica.com/stories/201303290370.html
- Nganga, G., March 2013, ‘Spending Boost of 30% to Finance New Universities’, University World News 263, http://www.universityworldnews.com/ article.php?story=20130314135924295s NORHED, 2013, ‘University of Nairobi’ Unpublished report. Norwegian Programme for Capacity Development Higher Education, Oslo.
- Oanda, I., 2013, ‘Implications of Alternative Higher Education Financing Policies on Equity and Quality: The Kenyan Experience’, in D. Teferra (ed.), Funding Higher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa, Hampshire: Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 98-129.
- Oboko, M. B., 2013, ‘Funding of Higher Education in Uganda: With Special Emphasis on Donor’s Role and Contribution of National Communities Approaches’, in D. Teferra (ed.), Funding Higher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa, Hampshire: Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 247-275.
- Onyechere, November 2012, ‘$500m spent by Nigerian students in EU, US’,TrustAfrica, Dakar, Senegal, http://www.trustafrica.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=354&Itemid=70&lang=en Partnership for Higher Education in Africa, http://www.foundationpartnership.org/ index.php?id=9 Psacharopoulos, G., 1985, ‘Returns to Education: A Further International Update and Implications’,Journal of Human Resources 20(4), 583-604.
- Psacharopoulos, G., 1994, ‘Returns to Investment in Education: A Global Update’,World Development 22(9), 1325-1343.
- Randriamahenintsoa, E., 2013, ‘Challenges and Opportunities of Higher Education Funding Policies and Programs in Madagascar ’ in D. Teferra (ed.), Funding Higher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa, Hampshire: Palgrave MacMillan,pp. 147-183.
- Samoff, J. and Carrol, B., 2003, ‘From Manpower Planning to the Knowledge Era: World Bank Policies on Higher Education in Africa’, Prepared for the UNESCO Forum on Higher Education, Research and Knowledge. Stanford University, Stanford.
- Sawyerr, A., Dec. 2002, ‘Challenges Facing African Universities: Selected Issues’, Association of African Universities, Accra.
- Southern Africa-Nordic Partnerships, http://sanord.uwc.ac.za/Teferra, D., 2005a, ‘Establishing Endowments for African Universities–Strategies for Implementation’, International Higher Education 38, 22-23.
- Teferra, D. and Altbach, P. G., 2003, ‘Trends and Perspectives in African Higher Education’, in D.Teferra & P. G. Altbach (eds.), African Higher Education: An International Reference Handbook,Bloomington: Indiana University Press,pp. 3-14.
- Teferra, D., 1999, ‘Ideas for Financing in Higher Education’, International Higher Education 17,7-9.
- Teferra, D., 2000, ‘Endowing African Universities–Cultivating Sustainability’,International Higher Education.
- Teferra, D., 2005b, ‘Financing Higher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa’ in Higher Education in theWorld 2006: The Financing of Universities, New York: Global Network for Innovation (GUNI) andPalgrave Macmillan, pp.153-164.
- Teferra, D., 2007, ‘Building Research Capacity in Ethiopia’, https://www2.bc.edu/teferra/Building_Research_Capacity_in_Ethiopia.html
- Teferra, D., 2009a, ‘Higher Education in Africa: The Dynamics of International Partnerships and Interventions’ in Roberta M. Bassett & Alma M. Maldonado (eds.), International Organizations and Higher Education Policy: Thinking Globally, Acting Locally? New York:Taylor and Francis, pp.155-173.
- Teferra, D., 2009b, ‘The World Bank’s Perspective’, International Higher Education54.
- Teferra, D., 2009c, ‘Mobilizing Multinational Corporations to Advance Higher Education and Research in Africa’, INHEA Editorial, http://www.bc.edu/bc_org/avp/soe/cihe/inhea/editorial/Editorial07_Teferra.htm
- Teferra, D., 2009d, ‘Higher Education in Africa post-WCHE: Liberation, Affirmation, and Consolidation’. INHEA Editorial, http://www.bc.edu/content/bc/research/cihe/inhea/editorial/archives/aug2009.html
- Teferra, D., 2010a, August 2010, ‘Higher Education and Science & Technology in Africa: Tenuous Links, Emerging Trends and Neglected Initiatives?’ INHEA Editorial, http://www.bc.edu/content/bc/research/cihe/inhea/editorial/archives/ aug2010.html.
- Teferra, D., 2010b, ‘Deploying Africa’s Intellectual Diaspora: Potentials, Challenges and Strategies’ in D. Teferra & H. Greijn (eds.), Higher Education and Globalization: Challenges, Threats and Opportunities for Africa, Boston and Maastricht: INHEA and Maastricht University, pp. 83-94.
- Teferra, D., 2011w, ‘The Market Place of Higher Education Partnerships: Re-Engaging Africa in the New Era of Internationalization’, INHEA Editorial, http://www.bc.edu/research/cihe/inhea/editorial/archives.html Teferra, D., 2013a, ‘Introduction’ in D. Teferra (ed.), Funding Higher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa, Hampshire: Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 1-12.
- Teferra, D., 2013b, ‘Conclusion’ in D. Teferra education in Sub-Saharan Africa, Hampshire: Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 351-363.
- Tongai, I., 2013, ‘World Bank Launches ‘Centres of Excellence’ Initiative’ University World News 275, http://www.universityworldnews.com/article.php?story=2013060712280846.
- UNESCO, 2011, Financing Education in Sub-Saharan Africa. Meeting the Challenges of Expansion, Equity and Quality, Montreal: UNESCO Institute for Statistics.
- Wondimu, H., 2003, ‘Ethiopia’ in D. Teferra & P. G. Altbach (eds.), African Higher Education: An International Reference Handbook, Bloomington: Indiana University Press, pp. 316-325.
- World Bank, 2002, Constructing Knowledge Societies: New Challenges for Tertiary Education,Washington, DC: World Bank.
- World Bank, 2009, Accelerating Catch-up: Tertiary Education for Growth in Sub- Saharan Africa, Washington, DC: World Bank.
- World Bank, 2010, Financing Higher Education in Africa, Washington, DC: World Bank.
Adiascom, 2009, ‘African Diaspora Scientific Community Mobilization for Africa Initiative:International Conference’, 29 June–1 July 2009, Paris: Adiascom, . www.adiascom.org/3.html.
African Union, 2012, ‘Report on the Pan African University’AU/ EXP/EDUC/ 6 (V), Department of Human Resources, Science and Technology, African Union Commission, African Union, Addis Ababa http://hrst.au.int/fr/sites/default/files/ comedaf%20panafrican%20university_0.pdf Amin, A.A. and Awung, W.J., 2005, Economic Analysis of Private Returns to Investment in Education in Cameroon, African Institute for Economic Development and Planning, Dakar.
http://www.saga.cornell.edu/saga/educconf/ amin.pdf Association of African Universities, http://www.aau.org.
Association of Public and Land-grant Universities, http://www.aplu.org.
Bloom, D., Canning, D. and Chan, K., 2006, Higher Education and Economic Development in Africa, Washington DC: World Bank.
Damane, V. and Molutsi, P., 2013, ‘Crisis of a Rich State: Botswana’s Dilemma in Financing Tertiary Education’ in D. Teferra (ed.), Funding Higher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa, Hampshire: Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 13-37.
Dunga, S. Henry, 2013, ‘Financing Higher Education in Malawi: Prospects, Challenges and Opportunities’ in D. Teferra (ed.), Funding Higher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa, Hampshire: Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 184-213.
European Union—ACP-EDULINK, http://www.acp-edulink.eu/Higher Education South Africa (HESA), http://www.hesa.org.za/Ilon, L., 2003, ‘Foreign Aid Financing of Higher Education in Africa’ in D. Teferra & P. G. Altbach (eds.), African Higher Education: An International Reference Handbook, Bloomington:Indiana University Press, pp. 61–72.
Ishengoma, J., 2013, ‘Funding Higher Education in Tanzania: Modalities, Challenges, Prospects and a Proposal for New Funding Modalities’ in D. Teferra (ed.), Funding Higher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa, Hampshire: Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 214-246.
Jibril, M. & Obaje, A., 2008, ‘Nigeria’, in D. Teferra & J. Knight (eds.), Higher Education in Africa: An International Dimension, Chestnut Hill, MA and Accra: Boston College and Association of African Universities, , pp. 339-366.
Johnstone, D.B., 2009, Financing higher education: Who pays and other issues, Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press.
Johnstone, B.D. and Teferra, D., 2004, ‘Introduction’, Journal of Higher Education in Africa 2(2),1–5.
Leslie, L. Larry, 1990, ‘Rates of Return as Informer of Public Policy: With Special Reference to the World Bank and Third World Countries’, Higher Education 20, 271-286.
Lulat, Y. G.-M., 2003, ‘The Development of Higher Education in Africa: A Historical Survey’ in D. Teferra & P. G. Altbach (eds.), African Higher Education: An International Reference Handbook,Bloomington: Indiana University Press,pp. 15-31.
Masaiti, G., 2013, ‘Students’ Perceptions of Financing Public Universities in Zambia: Towards a More Sustainable and Inclusive Policy Strategy’ in D. Teferra (ed.), Funding Higher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa, Hampshire: Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 296-326.
Maunde, R., 2003, ‘Zimbabwe’ in D. Teferra & P. G. Altbach (eds.), African Higher Education: An International Reference Handbook, Bloomington: Indiana University Press, pp. 636-648.
Ministry of Education, Ethiopia, 2013.
Moges, Y., 2013, ‘Funding Higher Education in Ethiopia: Modalities, Challenges, Opportunities and Prospects’ in D. Teferra (ed.), Funding Higher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa, Hampshire: Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 38-70.
Mpofu, J., Chimhenga, S. and Mafa, O., 2013, ‘Funding Higher Education in Zimbabwe: llenges and Opportunities of the Cadetship Scheme’ in D.Teferra (ed.), Funding Higher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa, Hampshire: Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 327-350.
Musisi, N. B. and Muwanga, N. K., 2003, Makerere University in transition 1993- 2000: Opportunities and challenges, London: James Currey.
Nemukuyu, D., 2013, ‘Zimbabwe: Government Owes State Universities US $64 Million’, AllAfrica.com, 31 March, Allafrica.com/stories/201303290370.html
Nganga, G., March 2013, ‘Spending Boost of 30% to Finance New Universities’, University World News 263, http://www.universityworldnews.com/ article.php?story=20130314135924295s NORHED, 2013, ‘University of Nairobi’ Unpublished report. Norwegian Programme for Capacity Development Higher Education, Oslo.
Oanda, I., 2013, ‘Implications of Alternative Higher Education Financing Policies on Equity and Quality: The Kenyan Experience’, in D. Teferra (ed.), Funding Higher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa, Hampshire: Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 98-129.
Oboko, M. B., 2013, ‘Funding of Higher Education in Uganda: With Special Emphasis on Donor’s Role and Contribution of National Communities Approaches’, in D. Teferra (ed.), Funding Higher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa, Hampshire: Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 247-275.
Onyechere, November 2012, ‘$500m spent by Nigerian students in EU, US’,TrustAfrica, Dakar, Senegal, http://www.trustafrica.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=354&Itemid=70&lang=en Partnership for Higher Education in Africa, http://www.foundationpartnership.org/ index.php?id=9 Psacharopoulos, G., 1985, ‘Returns to Education: A Further International Update and Implications’,Journal of Human Resources 20(4), 583-604.
Psacharopoulos, G., 1994, ‘Returns to Investment in Education: A Global Update’,World Development 22(9), 1325-1343.
Randriamahenintsoa, E., 2013, ‘Challenges and Opportunities of Higher Education Funding Policies and Programs in Madagascar ’ in D. Teferra (ed.), Funding Higher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa, Hampshire: Palgrave MacMillan,pp. 147-183.
Samoff, J. and Carrol, B., 2003, ‘From Manpower Planning to the Knowledge Era: World Bank Policies on Higher Education in Africa’, Prepared for the UNESCO Forum on Higher Education, Research and Knowledge. Stanford University, Stanford.
Sawyerr, A., Dec. 2002, ‘Challenges Facing African Universities: Selected Issues’, Association of African Universities, Accra.
Southern Africa-Nordic Partnerships, http://sanord.uwc.ac.za/Teferra, D., 2005a, ‘Establishing Endowments for African Universities–Strategies for Implementation’, International Higher Education 38, 22-23.
Teferra, D. and Altbach, P. G., 2003, ‘Trends and Perspectives in African Higher Education’, in D.Teferra & P. G. Altbach (eds.), African Higher Education: An International Reference Handbook,Bloomington: Indiana University Press,pp. 3-14.
Teferra, D., 1999, ‘Ideas for Financing in Higher Education’, International Higher Education 17,7-9.
Teferra, D., 2000, ‘Endowing African Universities–Cultivating Sustainability’,International Higher Education.
Teferra, D., 2005b, ‘Financing Higher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa’ in Higher Education in theWorld 2006: The Financing of Universities, New York: Global Network for Innovation (GUNI) andPalgrave Macmillan, pp.153-164.
Teferra, D., 2007, ‘Building Research Capacity in Ethiopia’, https://www2.bc.edu/teferra/Building_Research_Capacity_in_Ethiopia.html
Teferra, D., 2009a, ‘Higher Education in Africa: The Dynamics of International Partnerships and Interventions’ in Roberta M. Bassett & Alma M. Maldonado (eds.), International Organizations and Higher Education Policy: Thinking Globally, Acting Locally? New York:Taylor and Francis, pp.155-173.
Teferra, D., 2009b, ‘The World Bank’s Perspective’, International Higher Education54.
Teferra, D., 2009c, ‘Mobilizing Multinational Corporations to Advance Higher Education and Research in Africa’, INHEA Editorial, http://www.bc.edu/bc_org/avp/soe/cihe/inhea/editorial/Editorial07_Teferra.htm
Teferra, D., 2009d, ‘Higher Education in Africa post-WCHE: Liberation, Affirmation, and Consolidation’. INHEA Editorial, http://www.bc.edu/content/bc/research/cihe/inhea/editorial/archives/aug2009.html
Teferra, D., 2010a, August 2010, ‘Higher Education and Science & Technology in Africa: Tenuous Links, Emerging Trends and Neglected Initiatives?’ INHEA Editorial, http://www.bc.edu/content/bc/research/cihe/inhea/editorial/archives/ aug2010.html.
Teferra, D., 2010b, ‘Deploying Africa’s Intellectual Diaspora: Potentials, Challenges and Strategies’ in D. Teferra & H. Greijn (eds.), Higher Education and Globalization: Challenges, Threats and Opportunities for Africa, Boston and Maastricht: INHEA and Maastricht University, pp. 83-94.
Teferra, D., 2011w, ‘The Market Place of Higher Education Partnerships: Re-Engaging Africa in the New Era of Internationalization’, INHEA Editorial, http://www.bc.edu/research/cihe/inhea/editorial/archives.html Teferra, D., 2013a, ‘Introduction’ in D. Teferra (ed.), Funding Higher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa, Hampshire: Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 1-12.
Teferra, D., 2013b, ‘Conclusion’ in D. Teferra education in Sub-Saharan Africa, Hampshire: Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 351-363.
Tongai, I., 2013, ‘World Bank Launches ‘Centres of Excellence’ Initiative’ University World News 275, http://www.universityworldnews.com/article.php?story=2013060712280846.
UNESCO, 2011, Financing Education in Sub-Saharan Africa. Meeting the Challenges of Expansion, Equity and Quality, Montreal: UNESCO Institute for Statistics.
Wondimu, H., 2003, ‘Ethiopia’ in D. Teferra & P. G. Altbach (eds.), African Higher Education: An International Reference Handbook, Bloomington: Indiana University Press, pp. 316-325.
World Bank, 2002, Constructing Knowledge Societies: New Challenges for Tertiary Education,Washington, DC: World Bank.
World Bank, 2009, Accelerating Catch-up: Tertiary Education for Growth in Sub- Saharan Africa, Washington, DC: World Bank.
World Bank, 2010, Financing Higher Education in Africa, Washington, DC: World Bank.