1 - Can the Bologna Process Make the Move Faster towards the Development of an International Space for Higher Education where Africa would find its place?
Corresponding Author(s) : Jean-Émile Charlier
Journal of Higher Education in Africa,
Vol. 7 No. 1-2 (2009): Journal of Higher Education in Africa
The Bologna Process is presented to the political and academic officials of Southern countries as the bearer of form constraints – the division of higher education studies into three main cycles (a bachelor’s, master’s and doctorate degree in respectively three, five, and eight years after the completion of upper secondary education) – and the calculation of the relative importance of subjects according to a credit mechanism. As unmenacing as it may look to decision-makers, reality is more complex. Form constraints soon turn into structural constraints that are only gradually revealed – mobility implies the transnational harmonization of academic timetables, the division of teachings and assessments into semesters, etc. The implementation of the ‘Bologna spirit’ also calls for interdependent universities whereas previously each only had to comply with their national constraints. In Africa, this interdependence is a strong asset for academic officials when they have to negotiate with their authorities. As it was the case in Europe, the solution to national problems will probably entail striking international agreements whose binding force will derive precisely from their international character.
Functional interdependence may enhance dialogue between academic officials. African universities should seize the opportunity of the call for dialogue as ex- pressed during the London summit in 2007 to have their qualifications certified according to international standards and thus weigh on the definition of quality that will bind the international space for higher education in the near future.
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- Abbott, P., and Sapsford, R., 2008, The Quality Process in Rwanda: An Introduction to the Rwandan National Qualifications Framework for Higher Education and the Work of the National Council for Higher Education, in Charlier, J-É. et Croché, S., L’ajustement des universités africaines au processus de Bologne, forthcoming.
- Ametonou, F., and Yandjou, G.P., 2006, Exigences académiques, pédagogiques et matérielles dans le système LMD, Communication au Séminaire Interuniversitaire sur le LMD: Enseigner autrement, Power Point, Cotonou, 7–8 septembre.
- Attali, J., 2008, Rapport de la Commission pour la libération de la croissance française.
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- Bergen Communiqué, 2005, The European Higher Education Area – Achieving the Goals, Bergen, May.
- Berlin Communiqué, 2003, Realising the European Higher Education Area, Berlin, September.
- Boulton, G. and Lucas, C., 2008, What are Universities For? Leuven: League of Euro- pean Research Universities.
- Bourdieu, P., 1993, La misère du monde. Paris : Seuil.
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- Charlier, J.É., 2008, Repères pour analyser le processus de Bologne, in Hanhart, S., Gorga, A., Broyon, M.A. and Ogay, T., eds, De la comparaison en éducation. Paris: L’Harmattan, pp. 103–123.
- Charlier, J.É. and Croché, S., 2007, The Bologna Process. The Outcome of Competition between Europe and the Unites States and now a Stimulus to this Competition, European Education, The Implications of Competition for the Future of European Higher Education, Vol. 39, No. 4, pp. 10–27.
- Croché, S., 2006a, Le processus de Bologne. LMD, 3–5–8, BaMa et doctorat, quelles divergences entre la théorie et la pratique en Europe, Actes du Colloque Approche comparative des réformes universitaires au Maroc et dans les pays européens et arabes. Tanger, UAE, 16–17 janvier, pp. 11–15.
- Croché, S., 2006b, Qui pilote le processus de Bologne?, Éducation et sociétés, No.18,pp. 203–217.
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- Kazadi Lubatshi, C., 2008, Plaidoirie pour la création d’un réseau international des examinateurs LMD en faveur des universités africaines, in Charlier, J-É., and Croché, S., L’ajustement des universités africaines au processus de Bologne, forthcoming.
- London Communiqué, 2007, Towards the European Higher Education Area: Respond- ing to Challenges in a Globalised World, London, May.
- Lourtie, P., 2001, Furthering the Bologna Process, Report to the Ministers of Educa- tion to the Signatory Countries, Prague, May Marginson, S., 2006, Dynamics of National and Global Competition in Higher Education, Higher Education, Vol. 52, No. 1, pp. 1–39.
- Ministère de l’enseignement supérieur et de la formation professionnelle du Bénin (2006) Séminaire inter-universitaire sur le LMD. Thème ‘Enseigner autrement’, Cotonou, 7–8 septembre.
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Abbott, P., and Sapsford, R., 2008, The Quality Process in Rwanda: An Introduction to the Rwandan National Qualifications Framework for Higher Education and the Work of the National Council for Higher Education, in Charlier, J-É. et Croché, S., L’ajustement des universités africaines au processus de Bologne, forthcoming.
Ametonou, F., and Yandjou, G.P., 2006, Exigences académiques, pédagogiques et matérielles dans le système LMD, Communication au Séminaire Interuniversitaire sur le LMD: Enseigner autrement, Power Point, Cotonou, 7–8 septembre.
Attali, J., 2008, Rapport de la Commission pour la libération de la croissance française.
Paris: La documentation française.
Bergen Communiqué, 2005, The European Higher Education Area – Achieving the Goals, Bergen, May.
Berlin Communiqué, 2003, Realising the European Higher Education Area, Berlin, September.
Boulton, G. and Lucas, C., 2008, What are Universities For? Leuven: League of Euro- pean Research Universities.
Bourdieu, P., 1993, La misère du monde. Paris : Seuil.
Charlier, J.É., 2006, Savants et sorciers. Les universités africaines francophones face à la prétendue universalité des critères de qualité, Éducation et sociétés, De la for- mation à l’emploi: des politiques à l’épreuve de la qualité, No. 18, 2006/2, pp. 93– 108.
Charlier, J.É., 2008, Repères pour analyser le processus de Bologne, in Hanhart, S., Gorga, A., Broyon, M.A. and Ogay, T., eds, De la comparaison en éducation. Paris: L’Harmattan, pp. 103–123.
Charlier, J.É. and Croché, S., 2007, The Bologna Process. The Outcome of Competition between Europe and the Unites States and now a Stimulus to this Competition, European Education, The Implications of Competition for the Future of European Higher Education, Vol. 39, No. 4, pp. 10–27.
Croché, S., 2006a, Le processus de Bologne. LMD, 3–5–8, BaMa et doctorat, quelles divergences entre la théorie et la pratique en Europe, Actes du Colloque Approche comparative des réformes universitaires au Maroc et dans les pays européens et arabes. Tanger, UAE, 16–17 janvier, pp. 11–15.
Croché, S., 2006b, Qui pilote le processus de Bologne?, Éducation et sociétés, No.18,pp. 203–217.
Cybermetrics Lab, 2008, Webometrics Ranking of World Universities, July (http://www.webometrics.info/top100_continent.asp?cont=africa) [accessed 20 September 2008].
European Commission, 2007, Making Europe More Attractive to Highly Skilled Mi- grants and Increasing the Protection of Lawfully Residing and Working Migrants (http://europa.eu/rapid/pressReleasesAction.do?reference=IP/07/1575&format=HTML&aged=1&language=EN&guiLanguage=fr) [accessed15 Feb- ruary 2008].
European Commission, 2008, Welcome to Erasmus Mundus. (http://ec.europa.eu/education/programmes/mundus/index_en.html) [accessed 15 February 2008].
European Council, 2004, Council Directive 2004/114/EC of 13 December 2004 on the Conditions of Admission of Third-country Nationals for the Purposes of Studies, Pupil Exchange, Unremunerated Training or Voluntary Service, Official Journal of the European Union, L375, pp. 12–18.
European Council, 2005, Council Directive 2005/71/EC of 12 October 2005 on a Spe- cific Procedure for Admitting Third-country Nationals for the Purposes of Scientific Research, Official Journal of the European Union, L289, pp. 15–22.
Frattini, F., 2007, Franco Frattini’s Speech at High-level Conference on Legal Immi- gration, 13 September 2007 (http://soderkoping.org.ua/page15679.html) [accessed 16 February 2008].
Harfi, M. and Mathieu, C., 2006, Mobilité internationale et attractivité des étudiants et des chercheurs, Horizons stratégiques, No.1, July, pp. 1–17.
Kazadi Lubatshi, C., 2008, Plaidoirie pour la création d’un réseau international des examinateurs LMD en faveur des universités africaines, in Charlier, J-É., and Croché, S., L’ajustement des universités africaines au processus de Bologne, forthcoming.
London Communiqué, 2007, Towards the European Higher Education Area: Respond- ing to Challenges in a Globalised World, London, May.
Lourtie, P., 2001, Furthering the Bologna Process, Report to the Ministers of Educa- tion to the Signatory Countries, Prague, May Marginson, S., 2006, Dynamics of National and Global Competition in Higher Education, Higher Education, Vol. 52, No. 1, pp. 1–39.
Ministère de l’enseignement supérieur et de la formation professionnelle du Bénin (2006) Séminaire inter-universitaire sur le LMD. Thème ‘Enseigner autrement’, Cotonou, 7–8 septembre.
Niang, A., 2007, Dossiers sur le LMD. Le système LMD, une entreprise d’innovation académique à parachever: de la suppression de la thèse d’état à la suppression de l’agrégation et à l’instauration de règles de bonne gouvernance universitaire (http://www.ugb.sn/lmd/lmd03.htm) [accessed 8 February 2008].
National Science Foundation (NSF), 2006, Science and Engineering Indicators 2006, 2 vols, Arlington.
Nyamba, A., 2008, A quelles conditions l’entrée des universités africaines dans le proc- essus de Bologne sera possible? Essai de construction d’une théorie de l’évolution socio-historique des universités africaines pour mieux comprendre leur décision d’entrer dans le système LMD, in Charlier, J-É. and Croché, S., L’ajustement des universités africaines au processus de Bologne, forthcoming.
Nye, J., 1990, Bound to Lead: The Changing Nature of American Power. New York: Basic Books.
OECD, 2002, Policy Brief, International Mobility of the Highly Skilled, July. Robertson, S., 2006, Brain Drain, Brain Gain and Brain Circulation, Globalisation, Societies and Education, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 1–5.
Sall, A.N. and Ndiaye, B., 2007, Higher Education in Africa: Between Perspectives Opened by the Bologna Process and the Commodification throughout of Education, Euro- pean Education, The Implications of Competition for the Future of European Higher Education, Vol. 39, No. 4, pp. 43–58.
Sall, A.S., 2005, Il faut construire un consensus national sur l’université, Le Soleil, 16 decembre.
Scott, P., 2000, Globalisation and Higher Education: Challenges for the 21st Century, Journal of Studies in International Education, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 3–10.
Shawa, L.B., 2007, The Bologna Process and the European Gain: Africa’s Develop- ment Demise?, European Education, The Implications of Competition for the Fu- ture of European Higher Education, Vol. 39, No. 4, pp. 97–107.
UCAC, 2006, L’UCAC s’arrime au système LMD (http://ngoafax.afrikart.net/site/ article.php?sid=76 [accessed 8 February 2008].
UNESCO, 2006a, Global Education Digest, Comparing Education Statistics Across the World. Montréal: UNESCO Institute for Statistics.
UNESCO, 2006b, African Students the Most Mobile in the World. Updated 2007-01- 23 (http://www.uis.unesco.org/ev_fr.php?ID=6513_201&ID2=DO_TOPIC)[accessed 8 February 2008].
United Nations, 2007, World Population Policies 2007.
Van der Wende, M., 2003, Globalisation and Access to Higher Education, Journal of Studies in International Education, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 193–206.
Vinokur, A., 2006, Brain Migration Revisited, Globalisation, Societies and Education, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 7–24.
Wickramasekara, P., 2002, Policy Responses to Skilled Migration: Retention, Return and Circulation.
Geneva: Social Protection Sector, International Migration Pro- gramme, International Labour Office.
Zgaga, P., 2007, Looking Out: The Bologna Process in a Global Setting. On the ‘Ex- ternal Dimension’ of the Bologna Process’. London: Working Group on the Exter- nal Dimension of the Bologna Process.