2 - Re-inventing Federalism in Post-Transition Nigeria: Problems and Prospects
Corresponding Author(s) : Osita Agbu
Afrique et développement,
Vol. 29 No 2 (2004): Afrique et développement
Cet article aborde la question des pratiques fédérales au Nigeria. Il soutient que le type de fédéralisme pratiqué dans ce pays doit être revisité, afin de restructurer le système de sorte qu'il reflète les réalités ethnologiques et politiques sur le terrain. Ce texte propose une déconcentration ou une décentralisation des pouvoirs du gouvernement central, qui se sont accrus de manière phénoménale au cours du règne militaire, à la défaveur de ses composantes que sont les États. Il procède à une étude critique de la base théorique du fédéralisme, en cherchant à déterminer si le Nigeria se prête ou non à ce type d'organisation étatique. Un aperçu historique des origines du fédéralisme nigérian, ainsi qu'une description de la situation réelle sont présentés dans l'analyse préliminaire. Ensuite, les problèmes récurrents liés au fédéralisme nigérian, tels que le monopole du pouvoir étatique, la distribution des revenus, la création et la nature fédérale des États, sont ré-examinés, afin de déterminer la situation qui prévaut dans l'environnement démocratique nigérian post-transition. Pour finir, cette contribution évoque la division constitutionnelle du pays en zones géopolitiques, le caractère rotatif du pouvoir entre ces zones, ainsi que la décentralisation du pouvoir du centre vers les États et les gouvernements locaux.
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- Aborishade, Oladimeji and Robert J. Mündt, 1998, Politics in Nigeria, London, Longman. Adele-Jinadu, L., 1994, 'Federalism and the Structure of Nigerian Federation: Some Recurrent Issues', The Nigerian Journal of Federalism, Vol.1, No.2, December. Agbu, Osita, 1998, 'Political Opposition and Democratic Transitions in Nigeria, 1985-1996', in Adebayo O. Olukoshi, ed., The Politics of Opposition in Contemporary Africa, Uppsala, Nordiska Afrikainstitutet. Agbaje, Adigun, 1998, 'The Ideology of Power sharing: An Analysis of Content, Context and Intent', in Kunle Amuwo et al., eds., Federalism and Political Restructuring in Nigeria, Ibadan, Spectrum Books Limited. Akinola, A. Anthony, 1996, Rotational Presidency, Ibadan, Spectrum Books Limited. Awolowo-Dosunmu, 1994, 'Observations on Nigerian Federalism', The Nigerian Journal of Federalism, Vol. 1, No. 1, June. Ayoade, J. A.A., 1998, 'The Federal Character Principle and the Search for National Integration', in Kunle Amuwo et. al., eds., Federalism and Political Restructuring in Nigeria, UNRISD, Aldershot, Ashgate Publishing Company. Deutsch, W. Karl, 1980, Politics and Government, Duxbury. Duchacek, Ivo, 1977, 'Antagonistic Cooperation: Territorial and Ethnic Communities', Publias: The Journal of Federalism, Fall. Elaigwu, J. I., 1979, 'The military and State-building: Federal-state Relations in Nigeria's Military Federation, 1966-76', in A. B. Akinyemi et al., eds., Readings on Federalism, Lagos, NIIA. Elaigwu, J. I., 1994, 'Ethnicity and the Federal Option in Africa', The Nigerian Journal of Federalism, Vol.1, No.l June. Ekeh, P. Peter, ed., 1997, Wilberforce Conference on Nigerian Federalism, New York, Association of Nigerian Scholars for Dialogue. Ekpu, Ray, 1994, 'Rotational Presidency', Newswatch, 7, November. Federal Military Government, 1967, The Struggle for One Nigeria, Lagos. Forbes, Donald, 1994, 'Canada: From Bilingualism to Multiculturalism', Larry Diamond and Marc F. Plattner eds., Nationalism, Ethnic Conflict, and Democracy, Baltimore, The John Hopkins University Press. Forje, W. John, 1981, The One and Indivisible Cameroon, Lund, Department of Politics, University of Lund. Gana, T. Aaron, 1999, 'Federalism and the National Question in Nigeria: A Theoretical Exploration', AFRIGOV Conference on New Directions in Federalism in Africa, March 14-18, Abuja. Gudina, Merera, 1994, The New Directions of Ethiopian Politics: Democratising a Multiethnic Society, Ethiopia 94, Lawrenceville, Red Sea Press, Michigan State University.This content downloaded from on Mon, 06 Dec 2021 10:06:54 UTC All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms
- Agbu: Re-inventing Federalism in Post-transition Nigeria 51 Hardgrave, L. Robert, 1994, 'India: The Dilemmas of Diversity', in Larry Diamond and Marc F. Plattner eds., Nationalism, Ethnic Conflict, and Democracy, Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins University Press. Ibrahim, J., 2001, 'Whither the Dividends of Democracy in Nigeria', News from the Nordic Africa Institute, No. 3, October. Jackson, H. Robert and Carl G. Rösberg, 1984, 'Personal Rule: Theory and Practice in Africa', Comparative Politics, July. Jennings, F., 1966, 'Some characteristics of the Indian Constitution', in R. L. Watts ed., New Federations: Experiments in the Commonwealth, London, Oxford University Press. Joseph, Richard, 1991, Democracy and Prebendal Politics in Nigeria: The Rise and fall of the Second Republic, Ibadan, Spectrum Books. Kirk-Green, A. H.M., 1975, The Genesis of the Nigerian Civil War and the Theory of Fear, Uppsala, The Scandinavian Institute of African Affairs, Research Report no. 27. Kousoulas, D. George, 1979, On Government and Politics, Duxbury. Liphart, Arend, 1977, Democracy in Plural Societies: A Comparative Exploration, New Haven, Yale University Press. Long, J. Anthony, 1991, 'Federalism and Ethnic Self-determination: Native Indians in Canada', The Journal of Commonwealth and Comparative Studies, Vol.XXIX, No.2, July. Madunagu, E., 1993, 'Problems and Prospects', The Guardian, 22 April. Mbanefo, F. Gini and F. O. Egwaikhide, 1998, 'Revenue Allocation in Nigeria: Derivation Principle Re-visited', in Kunle Amuwo et al., eds., Federalism and Political Restructuring in Nigeria, Ibadan, Spectrum Books. Momoh, Abubakar, 1999, 'Problemitizing The Issues and Politics in Civil Society's notion of Federalism in Nigeria', AFRIGOV Conference on New Directions in Federalism in Africa, March 14-18, Abuja. Natufe, Igho O., 1999, 'Mid-West and the Future of Nigerian Federalism, An Essay in Honour of the Mid-West History Month', Benin. Nnoli, Okwudiba, 1995, Ethnicity and Development in Nigeria, UNRISD, Ashgate Publishing Company. Nwankwo, Arthur A. and Samuel U. Ifejika, 1969, The Making of a Nation: Biafra, London, C. Hurst and Company. Olukoshi, Adebayo and Osita Agbu, 1995, 'The Deepening Crisis of Nigerian Federalism and the Future of the Nation-State', in Liisa Laakso and A. Olukoshi eds., Challenges to the Nation-State in Africa, Uppsala, The Nordic Africa Institute. Powell, G. Bingham, 1982, Contemporary Democracies: Participation, Stability, and Violence, Cambridge, Harvard University Press, Serra-Horguelin, Arnault, 1999, The Federal Experiment in Ethiopia: A Socio political Analysis, Bordeaux, National Research Centre.This content downloaded from on Mon, 06 Dec 2021 10:06:54 UTC All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms
- Africa Development, Vol. XXIX, No. 2, 2004 Suberu,T. Rotimi, 1994, 'The Travails of Federalism in Nigeria', in Larry Diamond and Marc F. Plattner eds., Nationalism, Ethnic Conflict, and Democracy, Baltimore and London, The Johns Hopkins University Press. Suberu, T. Rotimi, 1997, 'Federalism, Ethnicity and Regionalism in Nigeria', in Paul A. Beckett and Crawford Young, eds., Dilemmas of Democracy in Nigeria, Rochester, University of Rochester. Suberu, T. Rotimi andAdigunAgbaje, 1998, 'The Future ofNigeria's Federalism', in Kunle Amuwo et. al., eds., Federalism and Political Restructuring in Nigeria, Ibadan, Spectrum Books. Tagowa, N. Wonotanzokan, 1994, 'The Structural Transformation ofNigeria's Federal Compact and Nation-Building', The Nigerian Journal of Federalism, Vol.1, No.2, December. The Guardian (Lagos), 2000, 10 November. Uwazurike, Chudi, 1997, 'Politics and the Search for Accommodation in Nigeria: Will Rotational Consociationalism Suffice?' Dilemmas of Democracy in Nigeria, New York, University of Rochester Press. Vanguard (Lagos), 2001, 22 October. Wheare, K. C., 1964, Federal Government, eLondon, Oxford University Press
Les références
Aborishade, Oladimeji and Robert J. Mündt, 1998, Politics in Nigeria, London, Longman. Adele-Jinadu, L., 1994, 'Federalism and the Structure of Nigerian Federation: Some Recurrent Issues', The Nigerian Journal of Federalism, Vol.1, No.2, December. Agbu, Osita, 1998, 'Political Opposition and Democratic Transitions in Nigeria, 1985-1996', in Adebayo O. Olukoshi, ed., The Politics of Opposition in Contemporary Africa, Uppsala, Nordiska Afrikainstitutet. Agbaje, Adigun, 1998, 'The Ideology of Power sharing: An Analysis of Content, Context and Intent', in Kunle Amuwo et al., eds., Federalism and Political Restructuring in Nigeria, Ibadan, Spectrum Books Limited. Akinola, A. Anthony, 1996, Rotational Presidency, Ibadan, Spectrum Books Limited. Awolowo-Dosunmu, 1994, 'Observations on Nigerian Federalism', The Nigerian Journal of Federalism, Vol. 1, No. 1, June. Ayoade, J. A.A., 1998, 'The Federal Character Principle and the Search for National Integration', in Kunle Amuwo et. al., eds., Federalism and Political Restructuring in Nigeria, UNRISD, Aldershot, Ashgate Publishing Company. Deutsch, W. Karl, 1980, Politics and Government, Duxbury. Duchacek, Ivo, 1977, 'Antagonistic Cooperation: Territorial and Ethnic Communities', Publias: The Journal of Federalism, Fall. Elaigwu, J. I., 1979, 'The military and State-building: Federal-state Relations in Nigeria's Military Federation, 1966-76', in A. B. Akinyemi et al., eds., Readings on Federalism, Lagos, NIIA. Elaigwu, J. I., 1994, 'Ethnicity and the Federal Option in Africa', The Nigerian Journal of Federalism, Vol.1, No.l June. Ekeh, P. Peter, ed., 1997, Wilberforce Conference on Nigerian Federalism, New York, Association of Nigerian Scholars for Dialogue. Ekpu, Ray, 1994, 'Rotational Presidency', Newswatch, 7, November. Federal Military Government, 1967, The Struggle for One Nigeria, Lagos. Forbes, Donald, 1994, 'Canada: From Bilingualism to Multiculturalism', Larry Diamond and Marc F. Plattner eds., Nationalism, Ethnic Conflict, and Democracy, Baltimore, The John Hopkins University Press. Forje, W. John, 1981, The One and Indivisible Cameroon, Lund, Department of Politics, University of Lund. Gana, T. Aaron, 1999, 'Federalism and the National Question in Nigeria: A Theoretical Exploration', AFRIGOV Conference on New Directions in Federalism in Africa, March 14-18, Abuja. Gudina, Merera, 1994, The New Directions of Ethiopian Politics: Democratising a Multiethnic Society, Ethiopia 94, Lawrenceville, Red Sea Press, Michigan State University.This content downloaded from on Mon, 06 Dec 2021 10:06:54 UTC All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms
Agbu: Re-inventing Federalism in Post-transition Nigeria 51 Hardgrave, L. Robert, 1994, 'India: The Dilemmas of Diversity', in Larry Diamond and Marc F. Plattner eds., Nationalism, Ethnic Conflict, and Democracy, Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins University Press. Ibrahim, J., 2001, 'Whither the Dividends of Democracy in Nigeria', News from the Nordic Africa Institute, No. 3, October. Jackson, H. Robert and Carl G. Rösberg, 1984, 'Personal Rule: Theory and Practice in Africa', Comparative Politics, July. Jennings, F., 1966, 'Some characteristics of the Indian Constitution', in R. L. Watts ed., New Federations: Experiments in the Commonwealth, London, Oxford University Press. Joseph, Richard, 1991, Democracy and Prebendal Politics in Nigeria: The Rise and fall of the Second Republic, Ibadan, Spectrum Books. Kirk-Green, A. H.M., 1975, The Genesis of the Nigerian Civil War and the Theory of Fear, Uppsala, The Scandinavian Institute of African Affairs, Research Report no. 27. Kousoulas, D. George, 1979, On Government and Politics, Duxbury. Liphart, Arend, 1977, Democracy in Plural Societies: A Comparative Exploration, New Haven, Yale University Press. Long, J. Anthony, 1991, 'Federalism and Ethnic Self-determination: Native Indians in Canada', The Journal of Commonwealth and Comparative Studies, Vol.XXIX, No.2, July. Madunagu, E., 1993, 'Problems and Prospects', The Guardian, 22 April. Mbanefo, F. Gini and F. O. Egwaikhide, 1998, 'Revenue Allocation in Nigeria: Derivation Principle Re-visited', in Kunle Amuwo et al., eds., Federalism and Political Restructuring in Nigeria, Ibadan, Spectrum Books. Momoh, Abubakar, 1999, 'Problemitizing The Issues and Politics in Civil Society's notion of Federalism in Nigeria', AFRIGOV Conference on New Directions in Federalism in Africa, March 14-18, Abuja. Natufe, Igho O., 1999, 'Mid-West and the Future of Nigerian Federalism, An Essay in Honour of the Mid-West History Month', Benin. Nnoli, Okwudiba, 1995, Ethnicity and Development in Nigeria, UNRISD, Ashgate Publishing Company. Nwankwo, Arthur A. and Samuel U. Ifejika, 1969, The Making of a Nation: Biafra, London, C. Hurst and Company. Olukoshi, Adebayo and Osita Agbu, 1995, 'The Deepening Crisis of Nigerian Federalism and the Future of the Nation-State', in Liisa Laakso and A. Olukoshi eds., Challenges to the Nation-State in Africa, Uppsala, The Nordic Africa Institute. Powell, G. Bingham, 1982, Contemporary Democracies: Participation, Stability, and Violence, Cambridge, Harvard University Press, Serra-Horguelin, Arnault, 1999, The Federal Experiment in Ethiopia: A Socio political Analysis, Bordeaux, National Research Centre.This content downloaded from on Mon, 06 Dec 2021 10:06:54 UTC All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms
Africa Development, Vol. XXIX, No. 2, 2004 Suberu,T. Rotimi, 1994, 'The Travails of Federalism in Nigeria', in Larry Diamond and Marc F. Plattner eds., Nationalism, Ethnic Conflict, and Democracy, Baltimore and London, The Johns Hopkins University Press. Suberu, T. Rotimi, 1997, 'Federalism, Ethnicity and Regionalism in Nigeria', in Paul A. Beckett and Crawford Young, eds., Dilemmas of Democracy in Nigeria, Rochester, University of Rochester. Suberu, T. Rotimi andAdigunAgbaje, 1998, 'The Future ofNigeria's Federalism', in Kunle Amuwo et. al., eds., Federalism and Political Restructuring in Nigeria, Ibadan, Spectrum Books. Tagowa, N. Wonotanzokan, 1994, 'The Structural Transformation ofNigeria's Federal Compact and Nation-Building', The Nigerian Journal of Federalism, Vol.1, No.2, December. The Guardian (Lagos), 2000, 10 November. Uwazurike, Chudi, 1997, 'Politics and the Search for Accommodation in Nigeria: Will Rotational Consociationalism Suffice?' Dilemmas of Democracy in Nigeria, New York, University of Rochester Press. Vanguard (Lagos), 2001, 22 October. Wheare, K. C., 1964, Federal Government, eLondon, Oxford University Press