9 - School–University Partnerships for Professional Development of Teachers: A Case of Lesson Study Intervention in Mathematics
Corresponding Author(s) : Maleho D. Letloenyane
Journal of Higher Education in Africa,
Vol. 13 No. 1-2 (2015): Journal of Higher Education in Africa: Special Issue on Sustainable Rural Learning Ecologies: Border Crossing
School–university partnerships for the professional development of teach- ers continue to be used extensively in South Africa to enhance the quality of teaching and learning, especially in mathematics. The success of such partnerships in changing teachers’ classroom practices, however, remains in doubt, in part because very few studies present empirical evidence of the changes. This paper assesses the impact of one such partnership, which resulted in perceived changes in teachers’ instructional practices and curriculum decisions after the intervention. Using retrospective pre- testing design, the study established that there were significant differences between teachers’ pre- and post-test scores, which suggests that teachers changed their instructional practices and curriculum decisions after the intervention. The findings provide some empirical evidence that partner- ships of this nature, between schools and universities, may prove valuable in attempts to improve the teaching of school mathematics, especially in the South African context.
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- Perry, R.R. and Lewis, C.C., 2009, ‘What is successful adaptation of Lesson Study inthe U.S.?’, Journal of Educational Change 10 (4): 365–91.
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Allen, J.M., Howells, K. and Radford, R., 2013, ‘A “partnership in teaching excel- lence”: ways in which one school–university partnership has fostered teacher development’, Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education 41 (1): 99–110.
Ball, D., Thames, M. and Phelps, G., 2008, ‘Content knowledge for teaching: whatmakes it special?’, Journal of Teacher Education 59 (5): 389–407.
Bartholomew, S.S. and Sandholtz, J.H., 2009, ‘Competing views of teaching in a school-university partnerships’, Teaching and Teacher Education 25: 155–65.
Borko, H., 2004, ‘Professional development and teacher training: mapping the terrain’,Educational Researcher 33 (3): 3–15.
Borthwick, A.C., Stirling, T., Nauman, A.D. and Cook, D.L., 2003, ‘Achieving successful school university collaboration’, Urban Education 38 (3): 330–71.
Browne-Ferrigno, T. and Barber, M., 2010, Successful principal-making collabora- tions: from perspective of a university–partner, Denver: AERA.
Bukari, Z. and Jita, L.C., 2009, ‘Partnerships for educational development in Africa: evidence from Japanese professional development programmes for science teachers in Ghana and South Africa’, Southern African Review of Education 15 (1): 7–24.
Burton, S.L. and Greher, G.R., 2007, ‘School–university partnerships: what do weknow and why do they matter?’, Arts Education Policy Review 109 (1): 13–24.
Buysse, V., Sparkman, K.L. and Wesly, P.W., 2003, ‘Communities of practise: connec- ting what we know and what we do’, Council for Exceptional Children 69 (3): 263–277.
Chabongora, B. and Jita, L., 2013, ‘Opportunities to learn (OTL) Grade-10 algebra in three South African catholic secondary schools’, Journal of Education Studies 12 (1): 172–88.
Cohen, L., Manion, L. and Morrison, K., 2007, Research Methods in Education, New York: Routledge.
Cresswell, J.W., 2014, Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative and Mixed MethodsApproaches, Washington, DC: Sage Publications.
Darling-Hammond, L. and Richardson, N., 2009, Research review / Teacher learning:what matters?’, How Teacher’s Learn 66 (5): 46–53.
Desimone, L.M., 2011, ‘A primer on effective professional development’, Phi DeltaKappan 92 (6): 68–71.
Fernandez, C., 2005, ‘Lesson Study: a means for elementary teachers to develop the knowledge of mathematics needed for reform-minded teaching?’, Mathematical Thinking and Learning 7 (4): 265–89.
Guskey, T.R. and Yoon, K.S., 2009, ‘What works in professional development?’,Phi Delta Kappan 90 (7): 495–500.
Hetcher, R.P., 2011, ‘Changes in pre-service elementary teachers’ personal science teaching efficacy and science teaching outcome expectancies: the influence of context’, Journal of Science Teacher Education 22: 187–202.
Howard, G.S., Schmek, R.R. and Bray, J.H., 1979, ‘Internal invalidity in studies employing self-report instruments: a suggested remedy’,Journal of Educational Measurement 16 (2): 129–35.
Hubbard, L., Mehan, H. and Stein, M.K., 2006, Reform as Learning, New York:Routledge.
Human Science Research Council (HSRC), 2011, Highlights from TIMSS 2011: SouthAfrica, Pretoria: HSRC.
Jita, L.C., Maree, J.G. and Ndlalane, T.C., 2008, ‘Lesson Study (Jyugyo Kenkyu) from Japan to South Africa: A Science and Mathematics Intervention Program for Secondary School Teachers’, in Atweh et al., eds, Internationalisation and Glo- balisation in Mathematics and Science Education, Dordrecht: Springer Science.
Kistler, M.J. and Brier, G.E., 2003, ‘Change in knowledge and practices as a result of adults’ participation in the Texas A & M ranch to rail program’, Journal of Southern Agricultural Education Research 53 (1): 212–23.
Klein, F., 1991, The Politics of Curriculum Decision Making: Issues in Centralizingthe Curriculum, Albany: State University of New York Press.
Lewis, C.C., 2009, ‘What is the nature of knowledge development in lesson study?’,Educational Action Research 17 (1): 95–110.
Lewis, C.C., Perry, R.R. and Hurd, J., 2009, ‘Improving mathematics instruction through lesson study: a theoretical model and North American case’, Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education 12: 285–304.
McMillan, J.H. and Schumacher, S., 2010, Research in Education: Evidence Based Enquiry, New Jersey: Pearson Education Incorporated.
Mogari, D. and Onwu, G.O.M., 2004, ‘Professional development for outcomes based education curriculum implementation: the case of UNIVEMALASHI, South Africa’, Journal of Education for Teaching: International Research and Peda- gogy 30 (2): 161–77.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2000, Principles and Standards forSchool Mathematics, Reston: NTCM Inc.
Ono, Y. and Ferreira, J., 2010, ‘A case study of continuing teacher professional development through lesson study in South Africa’, South African Journal of Education 30: 59–74.
Perry, R.R. and Lewis, C.C., 2009, ‘What is successful adaptation of Lesson Study inthe U.S.?’, Journal of Educational Change 10 (4): 365–91.
Posthuma, A.B., 2012, ‘Mathematics teachers’ reflective practice within the contextof adapted lesson study’, Pythagoras 33 (3): 1–9.
Putnam, R. and Borko, H., 2000, ‘What do new views of knowledge and thinking haveto say about research on teacher learning?’, Educational Researcher 29 (1): 4–15.
Rock, T.C. and Wilson, C., 2005, ‘Improving teaching through lesson study’, Teacher Education Quarterly 32 (1): 77–92.
Samoff, J. and Carrol, B., 2004, ‘The promise of partnership and continuities of dependence: external support to higher education in Africa’, African StudiesReview 47 (1): 67–199.
Saito, E., Imansyar, H., Kuboki, I. and Hendeyana, S., 2007, ‘A study of the par- tnership between schools and universities to improve science and mathematics education in Indonesia’, International Journal of Educational Development 27 (2): 194–204.
Shavelson, R.J., 1983, ‘Review of research on teachers’ pedagogical judgments, plans, and decisions’, Elementary School Journal 83 (4): 392–413.
Stigler, J. and Hiebert. J., 1999, The Teaching Gap, New York: Free Press. Supovitz, J.A., 2002, ‘Developing communities of instructional practice’, Teachers College Record 104 (8): 1591–626.
Taylor, A.R., Anderson, S., Meyer, K., Wagner, M.K. & West, C., 2005, ‘Lesson study: a professional development model for mathematics reform’, Rural Educator 26 (2): 17–22.
Vescio, V., Ross, D. and Adams, A., 2008, ‘A review of research on the impact of professional learning communities on teaching practice and student learning’, Teaching and Teacher Education 24: 80–91.
Walkington, J., 2007, ‘Improving partnerships between schools and universities: pro- fessional learning with benefits beyond pre-service teacher education’, Teacher Development: An International Journal of Teacher’s Professional Development 11 (3): 277–94.
Walsh, M.E. and Backe, S., 2013, ‘School–university partnerships: reflections andopportunities’, Peabody Journal of Education 88 (5): 594–607.
Wenger, E., McDermott, R. and Snyder, W.M., 2002, Cultivating communities of practice: a guide to managing knowledge, Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press.
Windschitl, M., Thompson, J., Braaten, M. and Stroupe, D., 2012, ‘Proposing a core set of instructional practices and tools for teachers of science’, Science Education 96 (5): 878–903.
Wright, T.D., 2009, ‘Investigating teachers perspectives on the impact of the Lesson Study process on their mathematical content knowledge, pedagogical knowle- dge and the potential for student achievement’, Unpublished PhD Dissertation, University of New Orleans.
Zimp er, N.L. and Howey, K.R., 2005, The politics of partnerships for teacher education redesign and school renewal’, Journal of Teacher Education 56 (3): 266–71.