11 - Creating Sustainable Learning Environments for Professional Curriculum Leadership through Information and Communication Technologies
Corresponding Author(s) : Sechaba Mahlomaholo
Journal of Higher Education in Africa,
Vol. 13 No. 1-2 (2015): Journal of Higher Education in Africa: Special Issue on Sustainable Rural Learning Ecologies: Border Crossing
This paper documents the processes and procedures followed by a team of two researchers and five co-researchers in the creation of sustainable learning environments at a school in the Free State province of South Af- rica. For this purpose, we used one school to illustrate how diverse school community members deliberately constructed a framework for the integra- tion of ICT in the development of its professional curriculum leadership practices. A conceptual framework driven through critical emancipatory theory is applied as the lens that propels us to create opportunities for self-empowerment. Grounded on this theoretical framing we then used a participatory action research to operationalize it. We generated relevant data through the establishment of a research team, which coalesced around a common vision collectively identified in pursuance of the aim of study. Data generated were analysed using Van Dijk’s critical discourse analysis. The findings discussed are (i) performance through reflecting on professional curriculum practices, (ii) their actions, (iii) procedures involved therein, and (iv) strategies. The contribution we made was a tested framework for the integration of ICT in a professional curriculum context. This contribution has implications for the creation of a sustainable learning environment.
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- Babbie, E. and Mouton, J., 2001, The practice of social research, Cape Town: Oxford University Press.
- Bialobrzeska, M. and Cohen, S., eds, 2003, Managing ICTs in South African Schools. A Guide for School Principals. Available online at http://www.education.gov.
- Brunton and Associates eds., 2003, Policy Handbook for Educators-ELRC, Universal Print Group City Press.
- Cameron, J. and Gibson, K., 2005, ‘Participatory action research in a poststructuralist vein’, Geoforum 36 (3): 315–31.
- Carmen, C., de la Luz, F. and Salustiano, M., 2006,‘Influence of top management team vision and work team characteristics on innovation, the Spanish case’, European Journal of Innovation Management 9 (2): 179–201.
- De Vos, A.S., Strydom, H. and Fouché, C.B., eds, 2005, Research at Grassroots for Social Sciences and Human Services Professions, Pretoria: Van Schaik.
- Donnelley, R. and O’Rourke, K.C., 2007, ‘What now? Evaluating eLearning CPD practice in Irish third‐level education’, Journal of Further and Higher Education 31 (1): 31–40.
- Ellis, W., 2013, Polynesian Researches: Hawaii, Hawaii: Tuttle Publishing.
- Eruera, M., 2010, Ma Te Whānau Te Huarahi Motuhake: Whānau Participatory Action Research groups. MAI Review 3. Available online at http://www.review.mai. ac.nz/index.php/MR/article/viewFile/393/549, accessed 1 January 2013.
- Farrell, G. Isaacs, S. and Trucano, M., 2007, The NEPAD e-Schools Demonstration Project: A Work in Progress: A Public Report.
- Fink, E. and Resnick, L.B., 2010, ‘Developing principals as instructional leaders’, Phi Delta Kappan 82 (8): 1–20.
- Flanagan, L. and Jacobsen, M., 2003, ‘Technology leadership for the twenty-first century principal’, Journal of Educational Administration 41 (2): 124–42.
- Franssila, H. and Pehkonen, M., 2005, ‘Why do ICT-strategy implementation in schools fail and ICT-practices do not develop?’, Proceedings of the Media Skills and Competence Conference, Tampere, Finland, 26–27 May, pp. 9–16.
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- Gao, C.Y. and Peng, D.H., 2011, ‘Consolidating SWOT analysis with nonhomogeneous uncertain preference information’, Knowledge-Based Systems 24 (6): 796–808.
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- Harris, R. W., Kumar, A., and Balaji, V. 2003. ‘Sustainable Telecentres? Two Cases from India’ in S. Krishna and S. Madon, eds, The digital Challenge: Information Technology in the Development Context, Aldershot (UK): Ashgate.
- Hawkins, B.A., 2008, ‘Perspectives in biogeography: recent progress toward unders- tanding the global diversity gradient’, IBS Newsletter 6: 5–7.
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- Hoegl, M., 2005, ‘Smaller teams – better teamwork: how to keep project teams small’,Business Horizons 48 (3): 209–14.
- Kemmis, S., 2006, ‘Participatory action research and the public sphere’, Educational Action Research 14 (4): 459–76.
- Kemmis, S., 2010, ‘Research for praxis: knowing doing’, Pedagogy, Culture and Society 18 (1): 9–27.
- Kemmis, S. and McTaggart, M.C., 2005., ‘Communicative Action and the Public Sphere’, in N.K. Denzin and Y.S., Lincoln., eds, The Sage Handbook of Quali- tative Research, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
- Kemmis, S., Wilkinson. J., Hardy. I. and Edward-Groves, C. 2010, ‘Leading and learning: developing ecologies of educational practice’, Symposium: Ecologies of Practice, Paper Code WIL091156. 091125 Final_AARE Leading learning-08sk.doc.
- Kiryukhin, M.V. and Tsvetkova. M.S., 2010, ‘Strategy for ICT skills teachers and infor- matics Olympiad coaches development’, Olympiads in Information 4: 30–51.
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- Lategan, L.O.K., 2005, ‘Research, monitoring and evaluation in service learning: the distinct characteristics of research into service learning’, Acta Academica-Uni- versity of the Free State, pp. 37–99.
- Lesame, N., 2013, ‘Vision and practice: the South African information society expe- rience’, Journal of Multidisciplinary Research 5 (1): 73–90.
- Lim, C.P., Chai, S.C. and Churchill, D., 2011, ‘A framework for developing pre-service teachers’ competencies in using technologies to enhance teaching and learning’, Educational Media International 48 (2): 69–83.
- Lin, M.J., Wang. P.Y. and Lin, I.C., 2012, ‘Pedagogy and technology: a two-dimensional model for teachers’, British Journal of Education and Technology 43 (1): 97–108. Luna, V. and Prieto, L., 2009, ‘Mentoring affirmations and interventions: a bridge to graduate school for Latina/o students’, Journal of Hispanic Higher Education8 (2): 213–24.
- Lunenburg, F.C., 2010, ‘The principal as instructional leader’, National Forum of Educational and Supervision Journal 27 (4): 1–7.
- Mahlomaholo, S., 2009, ‘Re-membering the Organic Intellectual in the Mirror: Inau- gural Lecture’, Potchefstroom: University of North-West.
- Mahlomaholo, S. and Netshandama, V., 2012, Post-Apartheid Organic Intellectual and Knowledge Creation. At the Interface/Probing the Boundaries, 78.
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- Peng, G.C.A. and Nunes, M.B., 2007, ‘Using PEST analysis as a tool for refining and focusing contexts for information systems research’, 6ᵗʰ European conference on research methodology for business and management studies, Lisbon, July,pp. 229–36.
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- Shea, M.J., Poudrier, J., Thomas, R., Jeffery, B. and Kiskotagan, L., 2013, ‘Reflections from a creative community-based participatory research project exploring health and body image with first nations girls’, International Journal of Qualitative Methods 12. Available online at: http://ejournals.library.ualberta.ca/index.php/ IJQM/article/view/17401, accessed 18 January 2015.
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- Titterton, P.A. and Smart, M.H., 2008, ‘Can participatory research be a route to em- powerment? A case study of a disadvantaged Scottish community’, Community Development Journal 43 (1): 52–64.
- Totolo, A., 2007, ‘Adoption and use of computer technology among school principals in Botswana secondary schools’, Electronic Theses, Treaties and Dissertations. Paper 1229.
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- Tshelane, M.D., 2013, ‘Participatory action research and the construction of academic identity among postgraduate research students’, Journal for Transdisciplinary Research in Southern Africa 9 (3): 401–29.
- Tshelane, M.D., 2014, ‘Democratic postgraduate student leadership for a sustainable learning environment’, Journal of Higher Education 28 (3): 717–32.
- Tshelane, M.D., 2015, ‘Enhancing the principal’s leadership role in the usage of information and communication technology at school’, unpublished PhD thesis, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein.
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- Zoho, W., 2004, Treat refurbs and Africa with respect, towards a framework on refur- bished computers for African schools. Available online at http//www.schoolne- tafrica.net, accessed 2 June 2011.
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Babbie, E. and Mouton, J., 2001, The practice of social research, Cape Town: Oxford University Press.
Bialobrzeska, M. and Cohen, S., eds, 2003, Managing ICTs in South African Schools. A Guide for School Principals. Available online at http://www.education.gov.
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De Vos, A.S., Strydom, H. and Fouché, C.B., eds, 2005, Research at Grassroots for Social Sciences and Human Services Professions, Pretoria: Van Schaik.
Donnelley, R. and O’Rourke, K.C., 2007, ‘What now? Evaluating eLearning CPD practice in Irish third‐level education’, Journal of Further and Higher Education 31 (1): 31–40.
Ellis, W., 2013, Polynesian Researches: Hawaii, Hawaii: Tuttle Publishing.
Eruera, M., 2010, Ma Te Whānau Te Huarahi Motuhake: Whānau Participatory Action Research groups. MAI Review 3. Available online at http://www.review.mai. ac.nz/index.php/MR/article/viewFile/393/549, accessed 1 January 2013.
Farrell, G. Isaacs, S. and Trucano, M., 2007, The NEPAD e-Schools Demonstration Project: A Work in Progress: A Public Report.
Fink, E. and Resnick, L.B., 2010, ‘Developing principals as instructional leaders’, Phi Delta Kappan 82 (8): 1–20.
Flanagan, L. and Jacobsen, M., 2003, ‘Technology leadership for the twenty-first century principal’, Journal of Educational Administration 41 (2): 124–42.
Franssila, H. and Pehkonen, M., 2005, ‘Why do ICT-strategy implementation in schools fail and ICT-practices do not develop?’, Proceedings of the Media Skills and Competence Conference, Tampere, Finland, 26–27 May, pp. 9–16.
Friesner, T., 2011, History of SWOT analysis. Marketing Teacher 2000–2010.
Gao, C.Y. and Peng, D.H., 2011, ‘Consolidating SWOT analysis with nonhomogeneous uncertain preference information’, Knowledge-Based Systems 24 (6): 796–808.
Greenwood, D.J., 1993, Contractual Arrangements and Conditions of Contract for Engagement of Specialist Engineering Contractors for Construction Projects, London: CASEC.
Harris, R. W., Kumar, A., and Balaji, V. 2003. ‘Sustainable Telecentres? Two Cases from India’ in S. Krishna and S. Madon, eds, The digital Challenge: Information Technology in the Development Context, Aldershot (UK): Ashgate.
Hawkins, B.A., 2008, ‘Perspectives in biogeography: recent progress toward unders- tanding the global diversity gradient’, IBS Newsletter 6: 5–7.
Hayes, D.N.A., 2007, ‘ICT and learning: lessons from Australian classrooms’, Journal of Computers and Education 49 (2): 385–95.
Hindle, D., 2007, Guidelines for Teacher Training and Professional Development in ICT, Pretoria: Government Printing Works.
Hoegl, M., 2005, ‘Smaller teams – better teamwork: how to keep project teams small’,Business Horizons 48 (3): 209–14.
Kemmis, S., 2006, ‘Participatory action research and the public sphere’, Educational Action Research 14 (4): 459–76.
Kemmis, S., 2010, ‘Research for praxis: knowing doing’, Pedagogy, Culture and Society 18 (1): 9–27.
Kemmis, S. and McTaggart, M.C., 2005., ‘Communicative Action and the Public Sphere’, in N.K. Denzin and Y.S., Lincoln., eds, The Sage Handbook of Quali- tative Research, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Kemmis, S., Wilkinson. J., Hardy. I. and Edward-Groves, C. 2010, ‘Leading and learning: developing ecologies of educational practice’, Symposium: Ecologies of Practice, Paper Code WIL091156. 091125 Final_AARE Leading learning-08sk.doc.
Kiryukhin, M.V. and Tsvetkova. M.S., 2010, ‘Strategy for ICT skills teachers and infor- matics Olympiad coaches development’, Olympiads in Information 4: 30–51.
Korpelainen, E., 2011., Theories of ICT system implementation and adoption – acritical review. Working paper. Helsinki: Department of Industrial Enginee-ring and Management, Aalto University. Available online at https://aaltodoc.
Lai, K.W. and Pratt, K., 2004, ‘Information and communication technology (ICT) in secondary schools: the role of the computer coordinator’, British Journal of Educational Technology 34 (4): 461–75.
Lategan, L.O.K., 2005, ‘Research, monitoring and evaluation in service learning: the distinct characteristics of research into service learning’, Acta Academica-Uni- versity of the Free State, pp. 37–99.
Lesame, N., 2013, ‘Vision and practice: the South African information society expe- rience’, Journal of Multidisciplinary Research 5 (1): 73–90.
Lim, C.P., Chai, S.C. and Churchill, D., 2011, ‘A framework for developing pre-service teachers’ competencies in using technologies to enhance teaching and learning’, Educational Media International 48 (2): 69–83.
Lin, M.J., Wang. P.Y. and Lin, I.C., 2012, ‘Pedagogy and technology: a two-dimensional model for teachers’, British Journal of Education and Technology 43 (1): 97–108. Luna, V. and Prieto, L., 2009, ‘Mentoring affirmations and interventions: a bridge to graduate school for Latina/o students’, Journal of Hispanic Higher Education8 (2): 213–24.
Lunenburg, F.C., 2010, ‘The principal as instructional leader’, National Forum of Educational and Supervision Journal 27 (4): 1–7.
Mahlomaholo, S., 2009, ‘Re-membering the Organic Intellectual in the Mirror: Inau- gural Lecture’, Potchefstroom: University of North-West.
Mahlomaholo, S. and Netshandama, V., 2012, Post-Apartheid Organic Intellectual and Knowledge Creation. At the Interface/Probing the Boundaries, 78.
Mattsson, M. and Kemmis, S., 2007, ‘Praxis-related research: serving two masters’,Pedagogy, Culture and Society 15 (2): 185–214.
Mbangwana, M. A., 2008, Introduction of ICT in Schools and Classrooms in Came- roon. ICT and Changing Mindsets in Education, Bamenda (Cameroon): Langaa.
McNamara, K.E. and McNamara, J.P., 2011, ‘Using participatory action research to share knowledge of the local environment and climate change: case study of Erub Island, Torres Straight’, Indigenous Education 40: 30–39.
Mentz, E. and Mentz, K., 2002, Managing Challenges to the Integration of Techno- logy into Schools in a Developing Country: A South African Perspective, New Orleans, LA: ERIC.
Mentz, E. and Mentz, K., 2003, ‘Managing technology integration into schools: a South African perspective’, Journal of Educational Administration 41 (2): 186–200.
Meul nberg-Buskens, I., 2011, ‘Free attitude interview technique’, London: unpublished notes.
Mokhele, L.M. and Jita, C.L., 2012, ‘When professional development works: South African teachers’ perspectives’, Anthropologist 14 (6): 575–85.
Mulford, B., 2003, Changing role and impact on teacher and school effectiveness, Tasmania: University of Tasmania.
Olawale, I.F., Olayiwola, I.F., Wahab, A.A., Salami, T.S. and Sani, B., 2013, ‘The mass media and ICT: predictable strategies for sustainable extension Services in Nigeria’, IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 9 (5): 71–76.
Peng, G.C.A. and Nunes, M.B., 2007, ‘Using PEST analysis as a tool for refining and focusing contexts for information systems research’, 6ᵗʰ European conference on research methodology for business and management studies, Lisbon, July,pp. 229–36.
Reason, J., 2000, ‘Human error: models and management’, British Medical Journal320 (7237): 768–70.
Rebore, W.R., 2011, Human Resources Administration in Education: A Management Approach, Boston, MA: Library of Congress.
Republic of South Africa (RSA), 2004, White Paper on e-Education: Transforming Learning and Teaching through Information and Communication Technologies, Pretoria: Government Printing Works.
Ryan, J., ed., 2006, Inclusive Leadership, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Sanginga, P.C., Kamugisha, R.N. and Martin, A.M., 2010, ‘Strengthening social capital for adaptive governance of natural resources. A participatory learning and research for bylaws reforms in Uganda’, Society and Natural Resources 23: 695–710.
Shea, M.J., Poudrier, J., Thomas, R., Jeffery, B. and Kiskotagan, L., 2013, ‘Reflections from a creative community-based participatory research project exploring health and body image with first nations girls’, International Journal of Qualitative Methods 12. Available online at: http://ejournals.library.ualberta.ca/index.php/ IJQM/article/view/17401, accessed 18 January 2015.
Spicker, P., 2009, ‘What is a priority?’, Journal of Health Services Research & Policy14 (2): 112–16.
Titterton, P.A. and Smart, M.H., 2008, ‘Can participatory research be a route to em- powerment? A case study of a disadvantaged Scottish community’, Community Development Journal 43 (1): 52–64.
Totolo, A., 2007, ‘Adoption and use of computer technology among school principals in Botswana secondary schools’, Electronic Theses, Treaties and Dissertations. Paper 1229.
Tsephe, J., 2008, ‘Progress by African Regional Economic Communities’, in F.O. Nwonwu, ed., Millennium Development Goals:
Achievements and Prospects of Meeting the Targets in Africa, Pretoria: Africa Institute of South Africa.
Tshelane, M.D., 2013, ‘Participatory action research and the construction of academic identity among postgraduate research students’, Journal for Transdisciplinary Research in Southern Africa 9 (3): 401–29.
Tshelane, M.D., 2014, ‘Democratic postgraduate student leadership for a sustainable learning environment’, Journal of Higher Education 28 (3): 717–32.
Tshelane, M.D., 2015, ‘Enhancing the principal’s leadership role in the usage of information and communication technology at school’, unpublished PhD thesis, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein.
Vaara, E., Sorsa, V. and Pälli, P., 2010, ‘On the force potential of strategy texts: a critical discourse analysis of a strategic plan and its power effects in a city organization’, Organization 17 (6): 685–702.
Van Wyk, K., 2009, Teacher Laptop … fiasco. Available online at http: //www.e4africa. co.za, accessed 6 June 2011.
Yee, N., 2006, ‘The demographics, motivations and derived experiences of users of massively-multiuser online graphical environments’, PRESENCE: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments 15: 309–29.
Yuen, A.H.K., Law, A. and Wong, K.C., 2003, ‘ICT implementation and school lea- dership: case studies of ICT integration in teaching’, Journal of Educational Administration 41 (2): 158–70.
Zoho, W., 2004, Treat refurbs and Africa with respect, towards a framework on refur- bished computers for African schools. Available online at http//www.schoolne- tafrica.net, accessed 2 June 2011.
Zuber-Skerrit, O., 1996, New Directions in Action Research, London: Falmer Press. Zuber-Skerritt, O., Wood, L., and Dick, B., 2013, ‘Action research for sustainable development in a turbulent world: reflections and future perspectives’, ALAR Journal 18 (2): 184–213.