4 - Gender and Research Attainment in Nigerian Agricultural Universities
Journal of Higher Education in Africa,
Vol. 4 No. 2 (2006): Journal of Higher Education in Africa
The study uses data on the research outputs of 219 academics in three Nigerian universities of agriculture to compare gender with research attainment. The find- ings show that research attainment is slightly higher for male academics than for female. Academic qualifications and rank are significantly associated with gender and, although there was no significant association between promotion time and gender, male academics have higher publishing rates in journals and proceedings of repute. A high correlation also exists between gender and age, length of service and representation in management. More male faculty members are employed at top management positions, while the majority of female faculty members occupy mid- dle management and entry levels. A policy of gender mainstreaming that would ensure gender balance in recruitment, training and research opportunities could provide a passage through which females gain greater access to positions hitherto dominated by their male counterparts.
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Acker, D.G, McBreen, E.L. and Tylor, S., 2000, ‘Women in Higher Education in Agriculture with Reference to Selected Countries in East and Southern Africa’, Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, Vol. 5 No. 1.
Bailey, T.G., 1992, ‘Faculty Research Productivity’, Minneapolis, MN: Association for the Study of Higher Education Annual Meeting (ERIC Document Repro- duction Service No. ED352895).
Bose, C and Acosta-Belen, E., 1994, ‘Women in the Later American Development Process’, Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
Be eria, L., 1995, ‘Towards a Greater Integration of Gender in Economics’, World Development Vol. 23, No.11, pp. 1839-1850.
Beneria, L. and Sen, G., 1981, ‘Accumulation, Reproduction, and Women’s Role in Economic Development: Boserup Revisited’, Signs: Journal of Women in Cul- ture and Society Vol.7, No.21, pp. 279-298.
Bland, C. and Berquist, W., 1997, ‘The Vitality of Senior Faculty Members: Snow on the Roof – Fire in the Furnace’ (ERIC Document Reproduction No ED 415733).
Brush, E.G., Merrill-Sands, D., Gapasin D.P., and Mabesa, V.L., 1995, ‘Women Scientists and Managers in Agricultural Research in the Philippines’, ISNAR Research Report 7, The Hague: International Service for National Agricultural Research.
Buttel, F.H and Goldberger, J.R., 2002, ‘Gender and Agricultural Sciences: Evi- dence from Two Surveys of Land-Grant Scientists’, Rural Sociology Vol. 67, No.1 pp. 24-45.
Boserup, E., 1970, ‘Women’s Role in Economic Development’, New York: St Mar- tin’s Press.
Elson, D and McGee, R., 1995, ‘Gender Equality, Bilateral Program Assistance and Structural Adjustment: Policy and Procedures’, World Development Vol. 23, No. 11, pp. 1987-1994.
Elson, D., 1993, ‘Structural Adjustments with Gender Awareness: Vulnerable Groups, Gender Based Distortions, Male Bias’, Gender Analysis and Development Eco- nomics Working Paper No 2, Manchester: University of Manchester Press.
Elson, D. 1995, ‘Gender Awareness in Modeling Structural Adjustment’, World Development Vol.23, No. 11, pp. 1851-1868.
Fameso, T. F., 1992, ‘Analysis of Communication Patterns of Agricultural Scien- tists in Selected Research Institutes in Oyo State’, Unpublished MSc Thesis, University of Ibadan, Nigeria.
Fortmann, L., 1979, ‘Women and Agricultural Development’, in S. Kwan R. Kim, R. Mabele and M.J. Schultheis, eds., Papers on the Political Economy of Tan- zania. Nairobi: Heinemann.
Fortmann, L. 1984, ‘Economic Status and Women’s Participation in Agriculture: A Botswana Case Study’. Rural Sociology Vol.49, No. 3, pp. 452-464.
FAO (Food and Agricultural Organisation), 1984, ‘Training of Manpower for Agri- culture and Rural Development’. Rome: FAO.
House, R.J and Baety, M.L., 1990, ‘Leadership: Some Empirical Generalizations and New Research Directions’, in L. L. Cummings, and B. M Straw, eds. Lead- ership, Participation and Group Behavior. Greenwich, CT: JAI, pp. 1-84.
Jacquette, J., 1990, ‘Gender and Justice in Economic Development’, in I. Tinker, ed., Persistent Inequalities, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 54-69.
Jobes, P.C., 1997, ‘Gender Competition and the Preservation of Community in the Allocation of Administrative Positions in Small Rural Towns in Montana: A Research Note’, Rural Sociology Vol. 62, No. 3, pp. 315-334.
Ka l, M., 1998, Enrolment of Women in Higher Education: Case Studies from Côte d’Ivoire, Jordan, Nigeria, Philippines and the Caribbean. Rome: FAO.
Kotrlik, J.W., Bartlett, E.J., Higgins, C.C. and Williams, H.A., 2002, ‘Factors Asso- ciated with Research Productivity of Agricultural Education Faculty’, Journal of Agricultural Education Vol. 43, No.3, pp.1-10.
Ladebo, O.J., 2003, ‘Organisational Commitment as a Predictor of Job Perform- ance among Faculty: Implications for development of Agricultural Technology in Nigeria’, Journal of International Agricultural and Extension Education Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 57-64.
Olawoye, J.E., 1989, ‘Women in Extension’, in W.M. Rivera, and T.O Ogunfiditimi, eds., Concepts and Issues. Chap 14.
Oloruntoba, A., 2001, ‘Research Manager’s Post Training Job Performance in Ni- gerian Agricultural Research Institutes’, Journal of Advanced Studies in Educa- tional Management Vol 1, Nos. 1-2, pp. 239-244.
Punch (newspaper), 2003, ‘Nigeria Loses Workforce to Discrimination Against Women’, 5 November 2003, p. 5.
Radha Krishna, R., Cannors, J., Elliot, J., and Verma, S., 2001, ‘From Early Begin- nings to Sound Sustained Future’, Journal of International Agricultural and Extension Education Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 31–30.
Rahji, M.A.Y., 2001, ‘Gender Productivity Differentials and Returns to Schooling in Farm Households in Southern Nigeria’, Nigerian Agricultural Development Studies Vol. 2, No.1, pp.13-21.
Schayan, J., 2002, ‘Gender Mainstreaming’, Deutschland No. 3, June/July, pp. 26- 30.
This Day (newspaper), 2004, ‘Lecturers Have Something to Show, After All’, 30 November 2004. Wenneras, C. and Wold, A., 1997, ‘Nepotism and Sexism in Peer Review’, Nature Vol. 387, pp. 341 343.
Wilson, L.A., 1993, ‘Role of Developing Country Universities in National Agricul- tural Research Systems (NARS)’, FAO Research and Technology Paper 5, Rome: FAO, pp. 57-123.
Women in Development Network, 1990, ‘Education and Training Statistics–Africa’.
World Bank, 2004, ‘Making Services Work for the Poor People’, World Develop- ment Report, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Zulu, C., 2003, ‘Gender Representation Patterns in Higher Education Management in South Africa’, South African Journal of Higher Education Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 98-104.